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HomeWorldVicar Criticised for Refurbishing 15th Century Village Church

Vicar Criticised for Refurbishing 15th Century Village Church

GRINDLEFARTLESDEAN - England - Villagers say Reverend Peter Monkswaithe has ‘disfigured the village church’ with a recent refurbishment


Villagers have criticised their vicar for refurbishing the village’s 15th century church to resemble something “very unchristian”. From recent photographs, it is clear the village church has undergone radical changes.

Those living in Pringlefuncle Heath, Grindlesfartledean, labelled the refurbishment an “abomination” and “hideous eyesore” after the scaffolding and plastic sheeting was pulled down this week.

The Rev Peter Monkswaithe said that the refurbishment on the Grade 1-listed St Crusto’s Church “is a necessary progressive change made for the times we are living in right now”, but local residents said the structure is horrific and “totally out of keeping with the beautiful landscape”.

Photographs taken in the village, which was the setting of Barrowsanus in the BBC series All Creatures Small and Tiny, showed the refurbished Anglican church, with minarets in stark contrast to the remaining original brickwork of the rest of the church.

Christine Innabred, 62, a businesswoman who lives in Grindlesfartledean launched a “stop the refurbishment” petition that garnered 31 signatures last year in a village with a population of just 500.

She called the situation a “fucking disgrace”, and added: “From the hills that surround the village it can be seen for miles and looks so out of place, particularly when the rest of the church has been left in its original state.”

Reverend Monkswaithe anticipated that any “negativity” around the decision would fall to him.

He said the refurbishment was irreversible, “it is what it is, Alhamdulillah, things have changed in England and as a nation we must accept Allah into our hearts”.

“In a few months, I’m hoping people will get used to the daily calls to prayer and the hysteria will fade down.”

Reverend Monkswaithe says he hopes villagers will ‘get used’ to the new-look church.

Reginald Pisstrower, 73, said the vicar had “disfigured the church” and “changed the face of the village”.

Rachel Sharter lives two miles from Grindlesfartledean in Furqueton Hurst, but said she can still see the minarets, and hear the muezzin calling to prayer every day, scaring her chickens.

She added: “You could never see the church before, but now there’s no missing it.”

Mr Monkswaithe’s decision received some support on social media.

One supporter wrote: “Mashallah! The Christians have finally seen the truth, there is only one god, and he is Allah!”

Another said: “Soon the entire country will belong to Muslims. Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim. Allahu Akbar!”

Labour minister, Angela Rayner, is set to visit the village next Friday to attend prayers. Today, she commended the vicar on a “job well done”.

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  1. سيصبح الإسلام قريبًا الديانة السائدة في بريطانيا. جميع أعمالنا وواجباتنا تجاه الله ناجحة. المسيحيون يفرون خوفًا.

  2. You can get arrested and jailed for 5 years now if you say anything against Islam in the UK. I would advise people to watch what you write in the internet. If you murder someone you usually out in three years with good behaviour.

    • Why not ask one of the Muslim mayors?

      The Mayor of London is a Muslim.

      The Mayor of Birmingham is a Muslim.

      The Mayor of Leeds is a Muslim.

      The Mayor of Blackburn is a Muslim.

      The Mayor of Sheffield is a Muslim.

      The Mayor of Oxford is a Muslim

      The Mayor of Luton is a Muslim.

      The Mayor of Oldham is a Muslim.

      The mayor of Rochdale is a Muslim.


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