Along with selling dropshipped products on Instagram, the celebrity influencer is also considering joining OnlyFans, a place where the real money is made.
“She’s already selling jam, so why not start selling crusty knickers with a little (jam) in those as well? The simps of OnlyFans would lap those up like they were crumpets in a tea shop. There are women on OnlyFans literally making millions selling their crusty used knickers to losers all over the internet,” a PR adviser at top public relations firm, Elite Los Angeles PR, revealed on Friday.
OnlyFans and Meghan Markle could be a very lucrative moneymaker, more so than selling bland slave-made tat on Instagram.
“She’s a bit old now, but there’s still a good market for the older ladies. I think she should get one of those football boob jobs, and botox lips that look like a burst tyre. Slap on the fake eyelashes and all that crap, then she needs a decent camera, get those jam jars out, and she’s good to go. Private shows alone would be a real money spinner, especially if she has one of those pink plastic buzzer things they stick in, not sure what they’re called.”
OnlyFans money talks, jammy knickers, rock hard c*cks!
I wouldn’t put it past Meghan Markle because she’s vulgar and obsessed by money.
That’s why she tricked that village idiot to marry her. It’s so obvious now. She made him leave the UK calling for more privacy lol