A gay couple who married at a Paris venue are suing the Pirate des Fesses Salon because of the profiteroles, and some of the flower arrangements were out of place.
The couple insist their marriage was ruined when guests started vomiting after eating the profiteroles.
An investigation is still underway to find out what sort of cream was in the profiteroles.
Clyde Bungholle, 34, one of the guests, recalled eating one of the profiteroles and projectile vomiting into a plate full of vol-au-vents.
“I ate the cream in the profiterole, and it tasted like something awful. I then involuntarily vomited into a plate of vol-au-vents. An old lady who was not watching, picked one up with the new filling and ate it with gusto. I tried to tell her, but seeing the delight on her face made me keep my mouth shut.”
Numerous guests vomited after eating the profiteroles, and some even vomited on a few of the bridesmen causing outrage.
The newly married gay couple are suing the venue and its owners for 4,500 euros, and the litigation will be completed at the Tribunal de Grande Instance in April.
Hope theyre honeymoon was not spoilt
Adorable. So sorry about the profiteroles. Hope they win their case in the courts. How awful, rotting profiteroles lucky noone was hurt.
They look so happy together wish them all the best of luck.
What a lovely couple. Bless.