Great News! Keir Starmer Labour to Add £6.43 Trillion Debt by 2029

GRIMSBY - England - Keir Starmer's Labour government will add £6.43 Trillion debt to the UK by 2029.

More great news for the people of Britain today trickled in, much like a torrent of bubbling warm diarrhoea. The Keir Starmer Labour government will add £6.43 Trillion of public debt to the UK economy of “growth” by 2029. This is on top of the £2.66 Trillion debt already on the books. The total will thus be £9.09 Trillion debt to gift to the future generations of Britons thanks to Labour.

It will mean that by 2029-30, public spending per household is set to reach £45,184. Net debt is growing at £6,284 per second or £543 million per day.

About 90% of the Labour spending will go directly to the Big State, where vast salaries and pensions, as well as unlimited expense accounts make up much of the taxpayer funded debt.

“We need the public to work harder and pay more taxes so they can fund the lifestyle of Big State employees, even though our government is borrowing trillions of pounds no one will ever be able to pay back we need to spend other people’s money until nothing is left but pure debt,” a Labour QUANGO operative appealed during a BBC broadcast on Monday.

£6.43 Trillion debt is a sizeable amount of money to waste down a socialist black hole, but it’s all in a day’s work for the Marxist Labour government under Keir Starmer.

Rachel Reeves, the Chancellor, recently announced that living standards will be considerably lower in the UK by 2029 as well.

Remember, you get what you voted for, and so do your children and grandchildren.

Labour are sealing the future of Britain, a bankrupted, demoralised dystopian nightmare of a future where the formerly green English countryside will be covered by rows upon rows of brutalist concrete soviet buildings to house the millions of Third World migrants let in with the Labour Open Door Policy, and the previous socialist idiot, Boris Johnson’s Boris Wave of 2.8 million migrants.

There will be no more trees, babbling brooks, grass meadows, or rambling English hills, it will just be solar panels, wind farms and soviet social housing amongst the grey, dismal concrete.

Looks like the future’s so bright, you got to wear concrete shades.


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