
“When yo kids hungry jus’ take ’em to da sto!”

ATLANTA - USA - We're getting some sage advice from denizens of the African American community about what to do if you want to eat lots of food for free.

This is the latest advice from denizens of the African American community, fine upstanding citizens just giving good advice to all. “When yo kids hungry jus take ’em to da sto!”

The premise of the advice of course is to eat as much as you can in the store/supermarket then leave without paying a cent.

It’s okay, you may have five or ten kids, no problem. Don’t forget to dump your chips on the dirty floor before you eat them.

“This an all-you-can-eat buffet, and it’s all free.”

It’s truly great to see members of the African American community providing such sage advice to all their compatriots.

Sometimes things can go wrong, though …or right, depending on how you look at it.

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