Why Illegal Immigrants and Asylum Seekers From Third World Are Mainly Men

DOVER - England - Why are the majority of illegal immigrants and asylum seekers single men from the Third World?

Sex. White women. What is the most popular subject on the internet? Adult material of course. Millions of men in Third World countries see the West first through the eyes of the internet, and they see white women as an important prize, of great status. They want to exercise their virility, to defile and to lord over something that is viewed by many of their compatriots as unattainable. This is why illegal immigrants and asylum seekers made up solely of single men see Europe as a magnet.

The West is no doubt being invaded, and the socialists and communists have welcomed the destruction of Western culture and society with abject glee by opening borders to all and sundry. This is why the mass rape incident with the Rotherham grooming gangs, where Pakistani rapists had their way with English girls treating them like “sub-human species”, was covered up by the Labour government and by the CPS at the time.

The biggest and most satisfying prize of all are Swedish or Scandinavian women, who are viewed by the Third World illegal immigrants as easy prey. For them, the status symbol of bagging one of these types of women is beyond god status. The socialist open door policy in places like Sweden was an open invitation for millions of men from Third World countries to dip their wicks and defile an entire new gene pool. To impregnate a white woman of such stature is even more delightsome because Third Worlders view this as conquest, of spreading their seed into the very den of the enemy, to muddy the waters of the beloved and sacred Aryan waters of purity. At the rate Sweden and the UK, and much of Europe is going, the indigenous race of the continent will be integrated into the Third World in less than 10 years, although some speculate it already has been irreparably lost.

What took thousands of years of selective breeding within essentially closed European cultures is thus being undone in mere decades by a deluge of young dark virile breeders from the Third World who have come to the West to do some serious fucking. This is digging for gold time, and indigenous European women are the pussy gold mine. Whilst most Western men are now effete or mostly LGBTQP aficionados, the guys coming into Europe are doing considerable amounts of copulation on the population of indigenous European women, who seem to be all too willing to receive any kind of real masculine attention. The indigenous men in the West have been deliberately emasculated through decades of woke communist indoctrination by their own governments and NGOs, and now many Western men are deemed as useless when it comes to reproduction. The fertlity rate statistics within European countries backs this theory up. The doors of the West are now wide open, and so are the thighs of European women who are encouraged by their woke educators to integrate with the black seed. Welcome, they say, the Channel Tunnel of love is ready to receive the rock hard train from Djibouti.

Illegal immigrants arrive at Dover from France in rubber dinghies

This is why when you see another overloaded rubber dinghy coming across the waters, escorted by the Royal Navy, the smiles on those faces in the dinghies are so wide, they seem to stretch across the entirety of their faces. This is their home now, this is heaven for illegal immigrants, and they’re going to do some serious fucking of white women. Digging for diamonds, digging for gold with their dirty shovels within those legs spread akimbo. You want me to pretend to convert to Christianity? No problem, I will pretend to do that, and I will fuck your daughters too. These guys just won the lottery 100,000 times over, they will get a free place to live, free food, and so much white pussy, a mountain of it, to spread their genes far and wide in a place that used to be unattainable, Shangri-La. Rape by illegal migrants and asylum seekers is also protected, because no one can deport these guys, the ECHR or one of the corrupt leftist lawyers or judges will stop it.

Hunker down, dig those toes in — It’s gonna be Hamma Time! Europe is getting fucked — BIG TIME.

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