Why the Socialist Big State is Necessary for Labour to Function

LONDON - England - A bloated Big State apparatus is a crucial component for the Labour Party to function and survive.

Labour are doing the right thing for Big State employees and civil servants, they are securing the loyalty of the staff to the Labour ideology of Marxist socialism with massive pay rises, payoffs and increases to gold-plated pension plans, to concrete the elements of this system and hard-wire it into government and Marxist unions permanently, because when they do that, even if they are ousted from power somehow, they will have the loyalty of the civil service in their pockets at all times. By solidifying Labourite power into the system, any government that comes into power will always find it nigh on impossible to retract any of the prohibitive, damaging laws that Labour brought in during their tenure. We saw this in action after the 2016 EU Referendum, where Brexit was nearly deleted from existence by parliament and by the deep state civil servants. Even when Boris Johnson came into power with a large mandate from voters, he was thwarted at every point by the civil service. In fact, it was the civil service who also ejected Johnson, because he was seen as a threat to their order. The staunchly socialist Marxist civil service then only had to wait for Sunak to lose the election and Labour to come back into power to continue the slow ‘exit out of Brexit’ process, which is currently taking place. Brexit never really happened, and it will never happen now that Labour are moving towards complete union with the EU, utilising the step-by-step process where large overt moves will be avoided until it is too late for anyone to care or do anything any more. Therefore, governance by the socialist, Marxist Labour machine relies solely on a bloated Big State apparatus, and no successive government or entity has ever had the power to do anything about cleaning out this monstrosity, this behemoth bureaucratic socialist nightmare ever since the days of Clement Atlee. Labour knows that time is on their side, and with time comes apathy. Utilising apathy as a means to conduct ever closer union to the EU is the primary modus operandi of Labour under the current leadership. Rachel Reeves, the Chancellor, is all too happy to destroy the private sector, to destroy entrepreneurship and to destroy the last vestiges of small businesses struggling to survive under an environment of taxation upon taxation and ridiculous regulations upon regulations. Labour does not care about the private sector or the so-called ‘growth’, it only cares about the state and its party. They’ll just keep borrowing money ad infinitum, and continue on. Labour cares less for the people of Britain than its various schemes outside the UK, and it cares more for the call of the EU soviet bloc than any other country. As for the USA, for Labour, the American administration under Donald J. Trump is now viewed as the ultimate enemy and danger to their plans. Why do you think they were adamant in sending Mandelson, one of the most corrupt and devious characters in global politics, to be the ambassador in Washington? Why did Labour go to great pains to send over 100 Marxist agitators to America during the election campaign, with orders to sabotage Trump? To Labour, America has fallen, and it is now a supreme threat to the UK’s and EU’s socialist ideology of woke politics and social cohesion. The Reform Party, are viewed as a mild threat to Labour’s complete control over the UK, but as we have witnessed with the election in May with many council elections being cancelled, there are nefarious undemocratic methods Labour can utilise to control Reform. What Labour is hoping for is a slight increase in their own popularity by the time the next elections come around, local or general. This increase in popularity is highly unlikely to materialise because we have seen that Labour only cares for the Big State and nothing else. The people are a tool, only to be used for taxation and to fool for votes — nothing else. As mentioned earlier, it won’t matter in five years time whether Labour wins or loses, because Labour is built into the hardware, the very fabric of all state departments, all institutions and even in the so-called opposition parties — look at the Conservatives, who adopted and became more socialist in some of their policies even than Labour. With two political parties that are identical in socialistic nature, eventually one of them will have to be destroyed completely, and the Tories will simply be absorbed into a bigger Labour Party, or the ones who are truly Conservative will try their luck with Reform. The Fabian Society is almost an occult organisation that holds ultimate control over the UK, and it will continue its role for many years to come, because the bloated monolith of the Big State can never be nudged away from its socialist Marxist allegiance to Labour, it is just too engrained within the fabric of the system, a virus so penetrative that nothing can disturb its omnipotence.

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