Comrades, I come with some great news for Net Zero. The Labour government is going to build more runways at Heathrow Airport so that carbon emissions and noise pollution can increase to make your lives better. This is a net increase of over 2,400% for Net Zero carbon emissions so that we can increase pollution for everyone by 2030.
Reducing the UK’s carbon footprint is our top priority, and Labour plans to do this by increasing the number of runways at Heathrow Airport so that we can meet our sustainable carbon emissions targets of more carbon emissions pollutants by 2030.
Thanks to Labour’s Net Zero vision, thousands upon thousands more jet aeroplanes will spew out millions of more tonnes of toxic pollutants into the atmosphere when we build the new runways.
Remember, we’re here to help Britain reach its Net Zero targets by increasing pollution and protecting the environment when we build more runways at Heathrow Airport. *cough*
Not a peep from the eco mob. Isn’t that funny. lol
I live near Heathrow. It’s just another Labour betrayal. Before the election they promised to residents that they would not build another runway. We even had one Labour liar at our doorstep canvassing and he assured me and my wife that hell would freeze over before they built another runway. Well here we are another bloomin runway. I’m never voting for these liars ever again and that’s coming from a former lifelong Labour voter.
Why did the Labour Party cross the road? To get to the other side of our bank accounts! 🐔💸