The former royals have been fuming after Facebook dumped the woke far-left biased fact-checkers who were censoring everything on the social network. The reason for the dumping of the biased fact-checkers was because Mark Zuckerberg has now effectively crawled up Trump’s rectum in a major brown-nosing attempt to carry favour with the Teflon Don. Now, Harry and Meghan have been dragged into the torrid affair as Trump is a man who does not like interference into his decision-making process, he does not want Harry and Meghan showing their disapproval of his orders to the Zuck telling him to dump the fact-checkers.
Vice versa, Harry and Meghan don’t like being told to toe the line and have told Trump to butt out of their business. Prince Harry’s U.S. Visa issue is a certain bone of contention that he is being threatened with, but Harry is defiant about his alleged drug use.
“Yeah, what’s that fat orange bastard going to do, huh? Yeah, I wrote in my biography Spare that I took hard drugs like cocaine, and I’ve done shrooms. So what! So fucking what! It’s a free country, I can do what I want, and I’m royal. I got more royalty in my left nostril which I use to allegedly snort up copious lines of Charlie with than you Trumpington, innit! Bruh needs to get a life! Stop stalking me, you stupid smelly orange muppet bitch!”
Fighting words from the prince, indeed. Keep tokin’ that Camberwell Carrot, Harry, keep tokin’.