This is Why the Quality of Life for Billions is Reducing Every Year

LONDON - England - The quality of life for many humans is deteriorating every year. There is a reason for this decline.

When anything is in surplus, and continues to grow in numbers, there is usually a lowering in quality. This applies to humans, who through overpopulation are victims of their own success in overbreeding, and are now experiencing a lower quality of life. You may wonder why things like homes and everyday essentials are becoming increasingly unreachable for much of the population in affordability, why resources that used to be plentiful at one time are now on the way to being depleted, why the controllers are choosing mass automation and AI to deal with the sheer number of humans they govern. All of these variables are symptoms of overpopulation, and things will continue to get worse as the overcrowded planet is desecrated under the footfall of even more locust-like swarms of humans.

Nowhere exemplifies the locust-like greed of humans more than China, and is a prime example of the destructive nature of overpopulation. Jean-Paul Sartre’s quote, “hell is other people” is truly exemplified by China and India, along with every other overpopulated place on the planet.

As long as nations like China and India continue to fuel overpopulation, the silly aspirations and deluded dreams of doomed schemes like Net Zero are made redundant. What’s the point of the UK embracing Net Zero when countries like China and India are pumping out billions of tonnes of pollutants into the atmosphere and environment every year, and plundering the earth of its last remaining resources? China alone builds thousands of coal powered stations every month, which pollute the entire atmosphere of the earth.

We have already established that the root cause of many of the globe’s problems are directly related to overpopulation, and because of this terrible malaise, the quality of the human project has become diminished. With a burdensome supply, only comes low quality care for the human mass, and apathy.

If one looks at history, we can see a clear decline in the quality of everything from the past, with intricately designed and constructed buildings by master architects and craftsmen, to the sheer quality of goods that were built to last, along with the personal service people were given. Now it is impersonal, indignant, mass manufactured cheap and soulless utterly mediocre crud presented to the populations, and this shit is not built to last. This is because of the numbers of people that populate every nook and cranny of this once paradise planet, which has become a living hell for so many.


Global governments must reduce populations drastically for more sustainable living and an environment with less pollution

Even though the modern controllers lie to the populations that the most miserable kind of life can be presented as if it were paradise, some are slowly realising that things do not add up. Some people are realising that there is something severely wrong, but they are so inundated by the procedural fake bureaucracy and taxes, and mundane rat race scheisse that they have been programmed to participate in, that many do not know what is going on, or some have an inkling but dismiss their realisation as it is deemed as too dangerous to contemplate. The modern human now exists in a controlled echo chamber of smart phones, VR, and internet connectivity that is so insidious, it might as well be a hood over every person’s head. Mass mind control is a very real thing, we only have to witness the gatekeepers of the hive mind, the mob justice and cancellation of the rare individuals who dare to think out of the heavily controlled box. Like locusts, and parasites, countries like China and India (combined population: 2.9 billion), pose a profound existential threat to the entire planet with their population.

The future will only bring forth a further deterioration in the quality of life unless something is done about places like China, India and other heavily populated areas that serve no purpose other than to destroy this planet.


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