
The Big State Eventually Eats Itself

LONDON - England - The Big State anti-capitalist Labour government will eventually eat itself from the inside out by killing the economy.

The Big State is seen by the likes of socialist and communist governments like Labour as an attribute exemplifying strength, when in fact it is exactly the opposite. In today’s bloated state system espoused by Labour where vast amounts of taxpayer revenue is utilised to prop up extravagant civil servant and quango salaries, pensions, and absurd amounts of money are ploughed into black hole budget departments, there is no thought for how these bills are going to be paid. Essentially, the entire spendthrift profligate nature of the Big State is one of inherent waste and inefficiency. This corpulent waste is compounded further by the inequality in support the government gives to the Big State whilst at the same time punishing the ‘capitalist’ private sector.

The role of socialism is to first destroy the society or civilisation it embeds itself into, then create a “false” socialist utopia using up the past wealth of the society it has taken over. The problem with this model is that socialism eventually uses everything up because it has no means of valid production, and it has destroyed the productive portion of the civilisation it pillaged.

Labour is a far-leftist socialist government with deep Marxist anti-capitalist ideals that abhors private business, wealth creation, entrepreneurship and aspiration. The only problem for this method of governance is that private business is the only thing within an economy that brings in wealth, and to attack this element of an economy is tantamount to suicide. To function properly, the Big State with all of its myriad of departments, its millions of civil servants and its structural base needs a functioning cash input other than loans. Unfortunately, this is what the ideologically indoctrinated and blind communists in the Labour government cannot understand. It is beyond their comprehension because they have been so deeply brainwashed by Marxism and Leninism.

The Labour Party government under Starmer and Reeves is the exact antithesis of capitalism. It is actively attacking business and wealth creation; it is stifling any form of aspiration or entrepreneurship, it is actively killing off farmers, companies and the ideal of generational wealth. Without generational wealth Britain is doomed to minus zero growth or hope for any economical future and this impacts on the beloved Big State embraced by Labour so much.

The initial plundering of all private business may go well for the coffers of the Labourite Robber Barons who are stealing the wealth of the wealth creators, but this red tape filled tax frenzy by the Marxist Labour Party will kill off business entirely. Just as the farmers will be forced to sell their land so that it will be concreted over to build social housing projects for the permanently unemployed, there is no production in this.

The Big State will eventually use up the money they have stolen from private business, and the loans will become increasingly more expensive because there will not be any solid capital behind them. How will the insanely expensive salaries and gold-plated pensions of the millions of civil servants be paid then? It is only the theory of gravity that will push those salaries and pensions lower and lower each year as there will be little or no cash coming in from the ruined, overly punished business sector.

The Big State will be the Poor Big State. There will be little, or no money left for those big, fat salaries to go around. The mass immigration will also compound this malaise, as the benefits bill and welfare bill will be so huge that it will eventually implode into nothingness. Labour’s anti-capitalist stance will then have achieved nothing, as not only will the Big State employees have nothing, but they will be forced to join the former business people who have nothing as well.

Labour is ultimately a weapon implanted into Britain that through its socialist/communist idealogical makeup is destined to murder Britain’s economy/heritage/culture and people, throttling everything; crippling wealth, and eventually bringing forth the death of its very own creation — the Big State.

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