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HomeWorldMESSAGE TO TRUMP: Start With Firing Woke Teachers and Educators

MESSAGE TO TRUMP: Start With Firing Woke Teachers and Educators

WASHINGTON DC - USA - Education is the foundation of every nation, and this is why Trump needs to start there, by firing woke teachers.


If you want to change America for the better, you have to start with education. It seems, the entire education system of America through to universities have been infiltrated by the woke Marxists, and the only way to change this system of political indoctrination is to take these people out, to ban them from ever entering an educational establishment, to purge the entire system state by state of woke teachers.

Parasitic woke infiltration

The entire curriculum for schools needs to be reversed back to classical styles of traditional teaching and subjects, however the most important element is that the Marxists need to be removed completely. Woke communist ideology pervades over the entire system and this is the ideological engine of any nation — education!

Teach objectivity, logic, philosophy, natural sciences, art, architecture, poetry, drama, and history to children, removing the woke LGBTQP trans race-baiting indoctrination that is so pervasive in schools today. Pliable children who are susceptible to influence are being taught and groomed to become homosexual and to mutilate their bodies through intensive transexual indoctrination.

Bring back childhood

Kids need to have a childhood again, and not have transgender gay propaganda shoved down their throats constantly by activists masquerading as teachers. These people committing these crimes are not teachers, they are Saul Alinsky acolytes and Marxist agents embedded in the education system. The woke programmers and groomers, who call themselves “teachers” are an evil pestilence that needs to be completely eradicated, and criminalised for what they are doing to children by sexualising them.


If you really want to change a nation, any nation, you have to start where everything begins — education, schools, universities.

Education is the foundation of every nation, and without a solid foundation, you’re just building on quicksand.

President Trump, do this, and you will be remembered and praised for generations to come as one of the greatest reforming presidents the United States of America has ever seen.

Will this urgent message get through somehow to Trump or someone in his administration, we don’t know? Who the fuck are we anyway, but at least we tried?


Looks like Trump is already on point with the woke Marxist problem in education. Sincerely hope he goes through with it right to the end.

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  1. Trump really needs o do this but it may take many generations of Americans to undo the damage of Marxism.

  2. I personally do not think Trump can clean out the Marxists. They are way too many and stuck in the schools and universities.

  3. Best article I read in a while thank yu Squib this is really great advice and I hope the Trump team are on to it.

  4. I just spat my noodles all over my screen. Trump is useless he won’t do anything. He’s gonna make it worse.

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