
Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) Officially Recognised by Psychiatric Profession

WASHINGTON DC - USA - "Trump Derangement Syndrome" (TDS) has been formally recognised in the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) and the American Psychiatric Association. 

“Trump Derangement Syndrome” describes a pattern of intense, often visceral, negative reactions to the 47th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump. The clinical diagnosis of this mental disorder shares some common features with known psychological processes, including cognitive dissonance, polarisation, and affective dysregulation, which may contribute to heightened emotional and cognitive responses in individuals with strong negative opinions about a polarising figure.

Background and Observations

“Trump Derangement Syndrome” denotes a seemingly disproportionate or emotionally charged response to the actions, statements, or policies associated with Donald Trump. It is observed that individuals with this syndrome exhibit intense frustration, anger, or anxiety that may impair daily functioning, interactions, and even objectivity. The clinically validated condition and reaction patterns align with symptoms of emotional dysregulation and social cognitive biases under politically polarised conditions.

Psychological Mechanisms Underlying TDS-Like Responses

  1. Polarisation and Ingroup-Outgroup Dynamics: Research in social psychology highlights that political polarisation can lead to strong ingroup/outgroup biases. When individuals identify deeply with a political ideology that opposes another figure or ideology, they may view the opposing figure as a threat to their core values or identity. This cognitive bias can heighten negative responses and create a feedback loop where hostility toward the opposing figure (in this case, Trump) becomes reinforced over time.
  2. Cognitive Dissonance: Cognitive dissonance occurs when individuals encounter information or scenarios that conflict with their deeply held beliefs or values, creating psychological discomfort. For some, the perceived policies, behaviours, or rhetoric associated with Trump may starkly contradict their values or ethical beliefs, resulting in cognitive dissonance that intensifies feelings of aversion.
  3. Confirmation Bias: Individuals who exhibit this Trump Derangement Syndrome often seek information that reinforces their negative views of Trump, which can further entrench their perspective. Social media algorithms can amplify this effect, creating echo chambers where only supportive information is presented. This can result in a distorted view of reality that may exaggerate threats and trigger strong, continuous emotional responses.
  4. Emotional and Physiological Responses: Emotional dysregulation, which includes heightened anger, frustration, or anxiety, has been associated with polarised political opinions. In individuals experiencing high levels of political stress, the amygdala may be more reactive, prompting “fight-or-flight” responses. The inability to regulate these emotional responses can result in irrational behaviour or decision-making.

Sociocultural Factors

Sociocultural elements also play a significant role in shaping the intensity of this response. The media portrayal of political figures, social media influence, and public discourse all contribute to a climate where individuals may experience magnified emotional responses to certain political figures. Furthermore, public discourse often encourages expressions of hostility or hyperbolic statements, which may normalise or even encourage irrational behaviour toward a particular figure.

Treatment and Mitigating Strategies

Given that Trump Derangement Syndrome is now an established psychological disorder, there is no specific treatment as yet. More research is needed to treat the serious condition. However, general strategies to mitigate stress and improve emotional regulation in the context of political polarisation may be beneficial:

  • Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT): CBT can be used to identify and modify cognitive distortions that contribute to disproportionate emotional responses.
  • Mindfulness and Stress Reduction Techniques: Mindfulness practices may help individuals manage emotional arousal and gain perspective on their responses to politically charged issues.
  • Safe Spaces and Complete Cognitive Isolation Techniques: For individuals who suffer from TDS, sometimes designated “safe spaces” can be created to shield patients suffering from the syndrome. Complete Cognitive Isolation Techniques can also be utilised to muffle the onset of the syndrome, however CCIT should only be performed by trained professionals within a controlled, safe, environment.
  • Encouraging Media Literacy and Balanced Consumption: Interventions that promote balanced media consumption and critical thinking skills may reduce susceptibility to confirmation bias and echo chambers, which are a major cause of discomfort for Trump Derangement Syndrome sufferers.

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