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HomeWorldUS Election: Mass Mind Control is a Wonderful Thing

US Election: Mass Mind Control is a Wonderful Thing

TEXAS - USA - The level of hysteria, and mass mind control contained within the US election is truly mind-boggling.

If you’re not an American, it is very hard to envisage the level of mass mind control that takes over the entire population of the country beginning two years before the election and ending with a huge resounding crescendo of brainwashing. The American media machine makes the propaganda network of Joseph Goebbels look like a tiny, insignificant school play, with its utter magnificence and supreme power over the population. Entire stadiums are filled to the brim with people waving flags, placards, all shouting inanely at their chosen candidate, who was effectively chosen way before the election by the powers that control all of this ordered chaos.

Of course, here in the UK, elections are much quieter. For a start, we do not have all that money swishing around, certainly not like our American cousins, where elections cost billions upon billions of dollars. In fact, most of the country probably does not know an election is actually taking place, for example, this year’s election only saw 20% of the UK’s entire population vote. Therefore, even though Labour claims they had a landslide victory over the Conservatives, that’s actually absolute bollocks because only 20% of the electorate bothered to vote for the socialist party of Britain. The other 80% of the electorate stayed home.

The intensity of US elections is a wondrous spectacle to watch, and the level of brainwashing the American public display during the last months of these elections is spectacular to say the least. It is not normal human behaviour, but the people are so entrenched and soaked within the media’s apparatus of control that no one can escape the madness. All of the intense campaigning even reverberates outside of America, much like a weird sort of manic echo, but this echo is there to remind us that the USA is the most powerful nation in the world. We all know the importance of a chosen president, a new president can do to the global machinations of events. It’s a difference between war and peace on a global scale, poverty or being rich, terrorism or no terrorism. Choose your fucking poison, a new president affects every fucking thing around the world, and domestically in America.

What does it take to wear all the t-shirts, caps, scarves, and hold those placards up in a crowd of 200,000 similar people shouting at the top of their voices for the same candidate? It takes engineered supreme levels of brainwashing, starting from childhood onwards, like the hive mind, it is a wave of control that is all encompassing, a tornado of mass mind control that is impossible for many Americans to ignore. Intersperse religion, and selective belief systems into the mix and one can see the true power of brainwashing techniques perfected over thousands of years at play.

Sure, Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin had crowds like these, but the difference here is that Americans “choose” to be manipulated through mass mind control and to attend all of these mass rallies. Under the regimes of Hitler and Stalin, which were not democracies, the population had no choice. This point, makes the American election process even more spectacular.

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