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Saturday, October 26, 2024
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HomeWorldDefiant Iranians Mock Israel by Searching For Israeli Attacks

Defiant Iranians Mock Israel by Searching For Israeli Attacks

TEHRAN - Iran - Iranians are mocking the Israelis by posting funny videos on social media searching for Israeli attacks.

The Iranian propaganda show is well underway as some Iranians have been permitted to post on social media sites going on rooftops and searching for Israeli attacks. The Iranian regime has made it illegal to post any news of Israeli attacks and anyone found doing so will get an immediate 10-year jail sentence, but mocking Israel is obviously allowed.

One reason that Iranian citizens are not seeing attacks on their cities is probably because the IDF is specifically targeting military instalments and key infrastructure facilities outside cities. The Iranian missile barrage a few weeks ago on Israel targeted civilian areas specifically in an attempt to create as much fear and damage to Israeli civilians.

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