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Monday, October 21, 2024
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HomeWorldJustice Served: Hero Police Officer Justifiably Shot Criminal

Justice Served: Hero Police Officer Justifiably Shot Criminal

LONDON - England - A hero police officer, who was wrongly prosecuted for murder, simply for carrying out his duty, was today acquitted by a court.

A criminal allegedly linked to armed robberies and many other crimes was justifiably gunned down by a hero police officer, a court ruled today. The criminal was fleeing from the police and was primed to run over another officer when the firearm was discharged to stop him. Ridiculously, the Crown Prosecution Service, egged on by the London Mayor, Sadiq Khan, were pushed to prosecute the officer for “murder” despite only trying to carry out his duty and save his colleagues from imminent death.

This incident should never have been taken to court, and the hero officer should have never been put through such a harrowing experience simply for doing his job.

It is unfortunate that the police in the UK can be prosecuted for trying to do their jobs, as they daily put their lives on the line trying to keep the public safe.

In the UK, only specially trained police officers are allowed to use firearms, and this is another bone of contention that should be addressed, as all police officers should be armed. Heroes like Met Police marksman Martyn Blake should be honoured with medals and not needlessly prosecuted.

Today was a great day for justice, as an innocent hero police officer wrongly prosecuted was acquitted from a silly court case that should have never been put to court in the first place.

Police officers in Britain need guns, and they should be allowed to justifiably carry out their duty without constant threats of prosecution. All officers should be trained with firearms and allowed to carry them to protect the public, especially as gun crime in the UK is at epidemic levels.

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