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HomeWorldThink Tank: Importing Third World into the UK Turns it into the...

Think Tank: Importing Third World into the UK Turns it into the Third World

LONDON - England - An unconventional think tank has released a report on how importing millions of people into the UK from the Third World turns it into the Third World.

It’s only common sense and physics. There is no magic involved or amazing theoretical study regarding the huge, unfettered mass immigration of populations from Third World countries into the UK and the West in general. The key factors to take into account are that when an area is flooded continually with populations from the Third World, eventually those areas become the Third World.

Because of Marxist woke theory, it is encouraged for Westerners to hate and reject their own history and generational sense of belonging to a ‘superior’ Western ideal. This is why when millions of people from the Third World are imported en masse, they do not integrate into Western society, because Western society is ashamed of its own heritage, due to decades of woke indoctrination and ideological subversion by woke Marxist propaganda experts. The First World then becomes the Third World.

Idealogical subversion is an insidious technique utilised by the enemies of Western democracy and its freedoms. This technique demoralises nations, starting from educational institutions onwards. After multiple generations have succumbed to the subversive programming, the demoralisation of the target population is complete. This is why countries like Britain and the USA are now ashamed of their own history, and despise their own country, their own skin colour, and even their own birth genders. They have thus succumbed to idealogical subversion techniques with full force, and are essentially a defeated nation from within, of course with the expert skills of programmers and woke influencers imported into the West for this specific project.

One can now be run over by rickshaws in the streets of London, amongst the beggars and tents full of Romanians in the middle of Park Lane as they slaughter a chicken opposite an Aston Martin showroom. The UK also imports people into the country with no checks at all, thus many criminals and terrorists find it all too easy to begin a very fruitful criminal career in the UK. Crime is not only encouraged but is now seen as a respected profession by many coming into the UK. The Labour government recently released hundreds of thousands of dangerous criminals into the public from lengthy prison sentences, solidifying criminal enterprises all over the country.

With public services crumbling, trains not running, buses on their last legs, classrooms overflowing, housing deteriorating and roads full of potholes, these are just some of the things that bring a Third World feeling to a country that once used to work like clockwork. If you are in need of an ambulance after being severely injured, prepare for a minimum of a four-hour wait, and in many instances no ambulance will ever come. You’ve been burgled, they’ve taken everything. Forget about the police turning up or even acknowledging what happened.

No one speaks English in the streets or on public transport any more. Instead, you may come across some well-fed beast of a woman in her ethnic peasant outfit vulgarly shouting into her mobile phone in some incomprehensible language that sounds like a pack of rabid hyenas tussled in a violent confrontation with another pack of hyenas.

Once the rot sets in, that’s it, there is no stopping it. The funniest and most ironic part of this entire debacle is that many people escaped the Third World to come to the UK, only to be confronted by a country that has indeed become the Third World.

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