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HomeWorldLord Mandy: "Starmer Gov. Preparing UK For Talks to Rejoin EU"

Lord Mandy: “Starmer Gov. Preparing UK For Talks to Rejoin EU”

EDINBURGH - Scotland - Lord Mandy has been busy of late and has revealed Labour plans for talks to rejoin the EU.

The failure of the Conservatives to bring forth the fruits of Brexit, instead leaving it to rot without any effective plan, has given impetus for the Labour government to start re-integrating into the EU once again. Lord Mandy (Peter Mandelson) revealed Labour’s plans during a talk in Edinburgh for the Thinktank Reform Scotland on Thursday.

“…the new government will have to focus in the meantime on mitigating the higher barriers we have created to our nearest and largest market as best we possibly can.”

With proposals for talks with the EU on ever-closer union, there are also plans to cosy up to the EU in key areas like defence, especially regarding an EU army which would be a force apart from NATO. The importance of building an EU Army has always been stressed by EU leaders like Angela Merkel and von der Leyen, and the depleted British Army will eventually be forced to join the EU Army.

eu army paris
The EU Army marching through Paris

Mandy was, however, also unusually realistic in his timeline for re-integration into the EU, and stated that it would be another ten years before things would start happening.

By that time, of course, the world will be a very different place, but there is a serious urgency within the Labour hierarchy to start buttering up and cosying to the EU commissars and high ranking unelected technocrats of the EU Commission once again.

The EU certainly does not want the Brits messing up their push for complete control over all the imprisoned nations within the Soviet bloc, especially as it proposes to take away the last remaining elements of political sovereignty or economic power from individual nation states who were tricked into joining the bloc in the first place. Bringing the “messy Brits” into such a delicate process could mess up their plans.

What the EU is moving towards is the total elimination of individual nation states so that there will only be a single outer border for the bloc. There will be no old borders within the EU, and it will be imperative that former countries remove their national identities including such things as individual flags, as well as territorial borders, with their individual military forces only showing allegiance to the EU. Countries like France, Germany, Spain, Holland, Italy, Greece, will no longer be referred to by their old names, they will instead simply be a part of the EU as much as the former principality of Anjou is now an integrated part of France. Former European nations will instead be identified as “zones” within the EU, but it is proposed that the names of former capital cities within these zones will still keep their names, although over time those too could be adapted.

This full integration within the bloc is in line with the idealogical tenets of communism and collectivisation, which is an essential part of the European Union’s constitution.

Lord Mandy and his crew of Remoaners are all of course Marxists themselves, so it goes without saying that they are planning to rejoin the EU within ten years, or one could even speculate, earlier.

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