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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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HomeWorldLabour: It's Basically a Free-For-All Until the Money Runs Out

Labour: It’s Basically a Free-For-All Until the Money Runs Out

LONDON - England - Because the Labour government has no understanding about how economics works, get your kicks before the money runs out.

The sclerotic Labour government do not know what they are doing, why they are doing the insane things they are doing, or where they are going. Now they want to give fat jabs to the unemployed so that they can get off their couches and work. The sheer cost of that alone would be enormous, but they don’t care, and neither should anyone else. The key factor here is that it’s going to be a free-for-all for a little time, but soon when the money runs out and the tax has taxed everyone and everything into nothingness, then the shit will truly hit the fan.

Keir Starmer, the bumbling irritating nasal-voiced village idiot, probably has an IQ lower than a bar of soap, and while he mumbles about enabling UK business, he is at the same time adding punitive taxes and ridiculous amounts of red tape to every process, along with economically unsound employment regulations that will bankrupt many businesses and cause them irreparable damage. With his irritating preachy nasal voice that could grate cheese, he says one thing but his actions and the actions of his already destitute government does the exact opposite. How the fuck can anyone operate within such a preposterous environment?

So, here’s the plan. These fuckers don’t know whether they’re coming or going. We have already established that fact. What people need to do is to plan a reasonable and effective exit out of the UK before the magic socialist money tree runs out. Before that time, yes one can profit by going along with the uneconomical socialist madness, maybe milk it a little, milk the elongated teat of governmental ineptitude and delusion, but we all know that socialism only works when it’s using other people’s money, when that money runs out they’re fucked. A famous female politician once said that, and in her wisdom, she was very right.


What will happen when the magic socialist money tree stops bearing fruit? Well, the thousands of wealthy millionaires, and companies who have already left the UK, know what happens when the socialist money tree becomes barren, and they left with haste. Labour will not only impoverish the poor further, but their redistribution of wealth system will essentially impoverish the entire middle class and remnants of old-money that stayed behind. This in communist ideological terms is called collectivisation, where wealth is stolen from the wealthy and redistributed, thus making those who worked hard all their lives to be wealthy equally poor as those who never worked a day in their fucking lives. In the deranged minds of the socialists, this is true equality because no one now has a pot to piss in, we will all be “equal”. For the socialists, this is a success, a job well done, but in reality it is of course the ruination of a country’s economy, and funnily enough the ruination of the socialist system itself. Without the rich to milk for their socialist pet projects, the government will be left with nothing.

What happens when there is nothing left to milk? Well, we have more industrial strikes, we have more riots, hyperinflation, and we will probably see a big rise in fascism. The far-right, the true far-right, not just people who care about their country, but the extremities of the right will capitalise on the unrest and discontent. Starmer’s and Reeves’ insane, idiotic plans will have awakened a sleeping giant, and the daily riots will increase in ferocity and frequency. Shops will be looted as starving citizens who have essentially been abandoned by the Labour idiocracy will gladly loot the local supermarkets to put some food on their plates. There will be no money for the benefits system or NHS, therefore the feeling of real discontent will increase ten-fold as mobs of angry people, including pensioners, take to the streets in their mobility scooters and wheelchairs. The fucking scum train drivers and Stalinist unions who demanded a 15% rise of their wages of £80,000 won’t have trains to run, as most will have been burned to shells, or they cannot run any more due to fuel shortages, and electricity blackouts. Their vast, inflated salaries and pensions will dry up. Net Zero means exactly that, zero! It means blackouts, and shipping expensive fuel from a distant country at great expense to the UK. When there is no money left, there will be no energy. People will be burning their furniture in their fireplaces to keep warm. That’s fucking Net Zero, because it is a concept that can only work with a reduced population, and Labour is bringing in millions, upon millions of poor unskilled migrants from the Third World into the UK every year needlessly inflating an already overcrowded, oversubscribed crumbling system.

As Jim Morrison once said: “I don’t know what’s going to happen, but I hope we get our kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.”

If you stay in the UK, you are fucked! But, don’t for a second think that all will be better elsewhere, because communist woke socialistic Marxist principles have been incorporated in many other countries, so choose your destination wisely.

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