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HomeWorldEnemy of the People: Labour are the New "Robber Barons"

Enemy of the People: Labour are the New “Robber Barons”

SCUNTHORPE - England - Labour are officially the enemy of the people and the new robber barons.

The Labour Party used to tout itself as the virtuous Robin Hood of the people, today that myth is all but a distant memory. Labour are not just sleazy scumbags with their snouts firmly in the trough, but they are Robber Barons, a dedicated enemy of the people of the UK.

Along with punishing some of the most vulnerable people in society like pensioners, by stealing what little they have, Labour are set to bring out a budget that will kill off the wealth of millions of people in the UK once and for all. Forget about starting a business, or being an entrepreneur, aspiration is dead in the water in Britain under the iron tax fist of Labour’s evil Chancellor of the Exchequer Rachel Reeves.

commissar rachel reeves

You wanted to educate your children in a private school, or your child has special needs only catered for in private education? Tough shit! Taxation is the new class weapon being wielded by an evil Marxist entity on the rampage across all of society — remember, YOU are the enemy and the Labour Party hates you because you aspired and aspiration today is a fucking crime.

There is no recourse, one cannot even leave the UK without losing a substantial portion of your assets because the Robber Baron Rachel Reeves wants to put an exit tax on anyone fleeing with the little wealth they have left.

The next five years of this torture will be so awful, so painful that it is a certainty that the suicide rate in the UK will increase tenfold, but that won’t be a problem either for the Robber Barons because they will tax you for committing suicide and then take a huge chunk of Capital Gains Tax after that as well.

Enemy of the people Labour’s Robber Barons will get their pound of flesh one way or another.

Labour robber barons starmer

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