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HomeWorldOctober 7: Overpopulation is the Root Cause of ALL War and Misery

October 7: Overpopulation is the Root Cause of ALL War and Misery

GAZA - On October 7, we analyse the root cause of all war and misery amongst humans. Overpopulation!

We are not going to go into the semantics of the Palestinian/Israeli imbroglio, that argument is a long and arduous task that is ultimately futile. What we are going to briefly discuss are the root causes of human conflict, misery and chaos — overpopulation.

If there were some restraint in breeding, there would not be war, there would not be human misery, terrorism, disease, famine, poverty and the destruction of the earth’s finite resources along with the environment.


No one apart from the Daily Squib has dared to mention that overpopulation is the root cause of ALL the ills of the modern age.

Like rats in a barrel, eventually there is encroachment on personal space and territory. Unfettered human breeding, especially by certain cultures, creates this miserable condition, and if one analyses pretty much every human conflict, overpopulation has been the ultimate root of everything.


If humans regulated breeding, then they could solve all of earth’s problems, but until that time comes, the earth will continue to deteriorate and wars will continue ad infinitum.


If people need driving licences to drive vehicles, should they not require licences to have children, a lifetime task that is invariably more important and complex?

The controllers must consider the task of reducing earth’s population by at least 80% otherwise there will not be an earth left, let alone a human race. Through programs of paid sterilisation and other incentives, overpopulation can be solved slowly, although it may take another 50 or 100 years to eventually bring the global population of humans down to a basic level of sustainability.

It is unfortunately probably too late, the problem of overpopulation should have been addressed over half a century ago, and even if the global population is reduced today the damage has already been done.

Humans were gifted a paradise on earth — they then turned it into a hell on earth.

To this end, humans can only look forward to an overpopulated dystopian misery of constant conflict and suffering, ending in eventual destruction.


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