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Keir Starmer Government Planning Dissolution of the British Monarchy

London - England - The Keir Starmer government has been planning the dissolution of the British monarchy for some time.

The socialist Labour Party, now under the leadership of Keir Starmer, are planning radical reforms aimed at addressing inequality, redistributing wealth, and dismantling remnants of what they describe as “archaic institutions of privilege.” Central to their platform is the dissolution of the British Monarchy, a pledge hatched secretly by Labour planners before the election in 2024 where Labour won a landslide victory over the Tories. They have already put heavy taxation on Private schools, effectively condemning many of those educational establishments to ruin, as well as abolishing Non-Dom status in the UK causing many wealthy people and businesses to leave the country.

“The People’s Act”: Redefining Sovereignty

Prime Minister Starmer plans the “People’s Act”, a comprehensive piece of legislation that fundamentally redefines the British state. At its core, the Act will transfer all sovereign powers previously held by the monarchy to Parliament. The House of Commons will now fully control functions like the Royal Prerogative, removing any remaining ceremonial powers from the monarch, including the formal role in the dissolution of Parliament, the appointment of Prime Ministers, and the granting of honours.

The Act framing the dissolution of the British monarchy is seen as a necessary step toward a fully democratic socialist state, aligning with the government’s vision of a “United People’s Commonwealth” where no citizen should be elevated above another by birthright or tradition. The new law will posit that all power must derive from “the people”, not from “inherited privilege”. Similarly, all hereditary peers from the House of Lords will be dissolved and thrown out. Keir Starmer is in favour of abolishing the House of Lords and replacing it with an elected “Assembly of the Nations and Regions”.

Taxation as a Tool for Change

Simultaneously, the socialist government plans to implement a series of aggressive tax reforms. A new “Royal Estates Taxation Bill” will be passed, which will levy a 95% tax on the wealth generated by the Crown Estate and the Duchies of Lancaster and Cornwall, previously key sources of royal income. These assets, which had traditionally provided the monarchy with substantial financial support, will now be deemed “public property” under Starmer’s socialist principles.

The funds collected will be redirected into social welfare programs, healthcare, and education, which will be more than enough needed to plug the much touted “22 billion pound” black hole by the Chancellor of the Exchequer Rachel Reeves.

To further this transition, the government will nationalise the Crown Estate, placing it under the control of a new public body, the “National Wealth Commission”.

The Duchy of Cornwall, which funds King Charles, will be nationalised. The new laws state that the monarchy’s private wealth will now be taxed at the same rate as any ultra-wealthy individual in the UK.

The Abolition of the Civil List

The monarchy’s public funding, known as the Civil List, will also be targeted. Through the “Civil List Abolition Act”, the government will end all state funding to the Royal Family. This effectively will strip the monarchy of public financial support, including the Sovereign Grant, which funds their official duties and upkeep of royal residences.

Buckingham Palace, Windsor Castle, and the other royal residences will be repurposed into public museums, cultural spaces, and government buildings.

By 2030, Buckingham Palace will become the “People’s Palace,” a symbol of the new republic, with admission fees funnelling directly into social programs.

The dissolution of the British monarchy will also be symbolic of a new era, one where the wealth and power disparities that had defined British life for centuries will finally be addressed.

Constitutional Reform and Public Referendum

Aware of the gravity of the move to abolish the monarchy, Prime Minister Starmer may call for a national referendum soon. The referendum will be framed not simply as a vote on the monarchy but as a vote for equality, democracy, and a future where privilege by birth would no longer dictate the structure of British society.

The Starmer government views the monarchy as an outmoded institution in a modern world where class divides need to be dismantled. It is almost a certainty that the vote will be heavily skewed in the favour of the government, especially as they will control most of the propaganda, and they have already gauged that much of the UK’s population are now suitably indoctrinated in woke Marxist ideology.

The vote will mark the culmination of a centuries-old debate about the monarchy’s place in British society.

The Transition to a Republic

After the referendum is invariably won by Starmer’s campaign, the government will move swiftly to finalise the monarchy’s dissolution.

King Charles III, along with other senior royals, will be forced to negotiate a settlement with the government. The Royal Family will be allowed to retain a small portion of their personal wealth, but their official titles, roles, and the extensive privileges attached to them will be revoked.

It is expected that King Charles III will announce his voluntary abdication or be forced to abdicate, which will be broadcast to the nation as a great event.

Dissolution of the British Monarchy

Once the British Republic is formally declared, a day of celebration across the country will be commemorated as “People’s Day”. A new written constitution will replace centuries of unwritten convention, and the head of state, Keir Starmer, will become a ceremonial President, elected by Parliament for an indefinite term.

The newly formed Republican Guard will assume duties previously held by the King’s Guard, symbolising the final transition from monarchy to republic.

The dissolution of the British Monarchy will no doubt mark one of the most profound shifts in British political history ever witnessed. Keir Starmer’s socialist government is determined to implement rapid, sweeping reforms, including increased social welfare and investment in public services.

The new Socialist British Republic seeks to become a model for other nations contemplating a similar set of reforms, showcasing how deeply entrenched institutions can be dismantled through legislation, taxation, and democratic will.

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  1. I sincerely believe that this is the best thing Labour could do for the country. It would really be an amazing event and define our history in a whole new light. No longer would the UK be seen as a place where the privileged are put above everyone else. Labour needs to finish this horrible class identity in the UK. Bravo! Starmer has risen in my estimation and I hope he does not halt the plan to take away the worst part of Britain and its history. For those royalists I say get over it! Your days are numbered!!!


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