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No Money For U.S. Hurricane Victims But Illegals Get Luxury Apartments in Maine

MAINE - USA - Americans are second-class citizens compared to illegal migrants by the Biden administration. Hurricane Helene victims testify to this.

The Biden administration views its own citizens as second-class to the millions of illegals they have invited into the USA and spent billions on. Hurricane Helene victims have effectively been abandoned.

The US homeland security secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas, has warned that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (Fema) does not have enough funding to help US citizens in need of dire assistance from Hurricane Helene, due to the fact that their entire budget has been spent on housing and looking after illegal migrants invited into America by Joe Biden.

The warning on Thursday underscored how the federal government is being stretched thin as literally billions of dollars have been spent on illegal migrants, who for Democrats are seen as potential voters in elections.

“We are meeting the immediate needs with the money that we have. We are expecting another hurricane hitting,” Mayorkas said. “Fema does not have the funds to make it through the season.”

Naturally, in any situation, the Biden admin has tried to shift the blame elsewhere, and denies any funds for FEMA were used on the millions of illegal aliens invited into the USA during the Biden tenure.

“American citizens are second-class to illegal migrants”

The Biden administration views Americans as second-class citizens, especially when it comes to illegals, who are housed in luxury hotels and apartments all for free.

An example of these double standards and injustice is revealed in the above video report by Savanah Hernandez and Frontlines:

Inside the furnished Maine apartments where illegal migrants are getting up to 2 years of free rent & utilities.

This apartment is in the same county that received $6.1 mill in funding from the FEMA program, which spent $1 billion on housing migrants.

This apartment, located in Cumberland County, is one of many throughout Maine which is allowing migrants to live rent-free for up to two years.

Americans are finally getting a taste of what has been happening in the UK for decades. The UK government spends over £6 million per day on housing illegal boat migrants in luxury hotels across the country. There is no end in sight to Britain’s open borders. A recent survey has also revealed that 1 in 50 Albanians who have come to the UK are now in prison. The majority of people who come to the UK illegally are young low-skilled men, many with criminal records, seeking a life on benefits, free housing, free cars, free healthcare.

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