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HomeWorldVice President Debate: Who Cares?

Vice President Debate: Who Cares?

NEW YORK - USA - The Vice President Debate between the Republican and Democrat candidates for the US elections took place on Tuesday.

Last night was the Vice President debate for the US 2024 Election. Who fucking cares? It’s the same old squabbling useless titter tatter that solves no purpose apart from showcasing two useless individuals and a most probably biased moderation.

If the Vice President debate is held on a Democrat led TV network, prepare for the Republican candidate to be discriminated against, and vice versa if the event is held on a Republican led TV network.

Essentially, vice presidents in American politics are mere mascots and otherwise completely useless. Look at Kamala Harris for example, name one thing she actually did in the last five years apart from stand on a few stages nodding her head in agreement to a mumbling incoherent Joe Biden.

Who is J.D. Vance and the Tampon Guy — who fucking cares? They are nobodies, they are governmental stooges picked to supposedly prop up a US presidential system that is frankly on its last legs.

It’s just another Vice President Debate. Time to switch off, take your sticky socks off and watch your toenails growing instead.

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