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HomeWorldMusic Biz: "P. Diddy is Apparently a 'Kiddie Fiddler' According to Lawyer"

Music Biz: “P. Diddy is Apparently a ‘Kiddie Fiddler’ According to Lawyer”

MIAMI - USA - According to many verified reports, pop star P. Diddy is allegedly a "kiddie fiddler".

P. Diddy or whatever his fucking name is, is allegedly a “kiddie fiddler” who abused young kids, including a 9-year-old boy. The rap pop star identified as a predominantly gay predator paedophile and is currently being held in a jail somewhere in New York awaiting trial.

“If you attend a P. Diddy party, man, woman or child, you will probably wake up after three days with a very sore asshole,” one commentator revealed.

Another minor told allegedly by P. Diddy that he would make him a star, but he needed to visit with him in private about it away from his parents. Once they were in a private area, allegedly paedophile P. Diddy made the young boy perform a homosexual act of oral sex upon him, a lawyer revealed

“One individual who was 22 years at the time she was assaulted said that the typical MO at one of these parties…was that when you were handed a drink, and now we know that the drink is laced with something, that if you refused to drink it, you were kicked out of the party,” the lawyer added.


In another disturbing case, an adult pregnant woman claims she was raped after attending a group dinner with Diddy in Miami.

“She wasn’t drinking because she was pregnant, but whatever she drank at the table, apparently was laced with something.

“She blacked out, and she woke up in the same bed, again, allegedly with P. Diddy in his mansion in Miami. Her vagina and her anus were torn and sore, and I could go on. And literally, you’re sensing a theme here.”

Some people and Industry Insiders may argue that all of this is normal practice in the black rap music scene and Hollywood, but is that really an excuse for it all? The rap scene is endemic to all these abhorrent acts, but because it is black, it is mostly protected from any form of criticism or regulation, that is until certain individuals get exposed to the public through a leak in the system. One thing’s for sure, P. Diddy will be quite at home in his new scene — the prison scene.

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