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HomeWorldThree Years After US Exit Taliban Thank Biden For Billions of Dollars...

Three Years After US Exit Taliban Thank Biden For Billions of Dollars of Weapons

KABUL - Afghanistan - The disastrous US exit from the country orchestrated by the incompetent Biden admin. is still celebrated by the Taliban.

Three years after the ill-fated and poorly planned exit from Afghanistan, the Taliban have been very gracious to Joe Biden, whose poor planning left the Taliban with over $$7.12 billion worth of high-end military equipment. Not only that, the Taliban released thousands of prisoners jailed by the Americans, including many prominent Al-Qaeda and ISIS-K operatives.

The Taliban have been celebrating the anniversary of the United States and Allies leaving Afghanistan, and abandoning their bases as well as billions of dollars of military equipment, some sold to terrorist groups and anyone who has the money.

Although many of the aircraft were supposedly purposely damaged on the way out, the Taliban, who are friends with China, invited them in to fix, retro-engineer and maintain the aircraft. The Chinese also took over Bagram Air Base ($68 million build) as well as other key US bases.  China is now also mining the massive lithium resources of the country and other resources worth trillions of dollars. No doubt some of the military hardware, including over 80 drones, and over 35 Blackhawk helicopters were useful to Chinese military scientists, although they probably know more about them anyway due to the ease of acquiring military secrets from the Americans and British.

Suffice to say, the disastrous exit from Afghanistan was one of the biggest shameful defeats orchestrated by Joe Biden, along with allowing Putin to invade Ukraine, and enabling Iran to continue enriching uranium to build nuclear weapons.

In the recent election debate Joe Biden claimed the Afghanistan exit went like clockwork and no US servicemen were killed or hurt during the evacuation. He forgot to mention the tragic deaths of 13 US servicemen and 170 Afghanis at the Abbey Gate bombing.

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  1. My brother was in Kabul during the evac. He said he never saw anything so bad in his life. No one knew what was going on and he barely got out himself in time before the Taliban moved in. It was chaos and he said the Biden administration were a disgrace to America.


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