Stasi Britain: Thoughtcrime Now Punished With Jail

MANCHESTER - England - STASI BRITAIN DIRECTIVE 34812-E3 will arrest, prosecute and jail any citizen deemed as Thoughtcrime.

Thoughtcrime is a very real thing under the rule of Stasi Kommandant Starmer in Stasi Britain. What used to be the work of fiction in George Orwell’s 1984 is now a reality, sadly. Citizens are being arrested and jailed for thoughtcrime and any form of protest, especially if you are an indigenous Briton because of two-tiered policing and bias.

There are active Stasi Police teams who specialise in searching social media now to identify, locate and jail thoughtcrime offenders. Even citizens who simply share certain thoughtcrimes will be prosecuted and jailed.

It is thus advised that under no circumstances should anyone post or share on social media or the internet their true feelings, or any personal opinions about anything. One must remember that the situation is very fluid, and what may have been deemed as free thought or speech in the past could now be considered as dangerous by the Stasi Labour Thoughtpolice.

“Much like Stasi East Germany during the soviet years, they will come to your home and take you away. It’s as simple as that,” one elderly man said last week, who was detained indefinitely on Tuesday from his retirement home and has not been since.

The Daily Squib publication only has the highest praise for Stasi Britain and its Stasi Thoughtcrime Police. Hail the Labour Party and its Supreme Comrade Starmer.

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