LEEDS - England - Two-tiered policing is when lenient sentences are given to one group of people, and heavy sentencing to another group.
In a socialist system, the greatest fear is if there is discontent and civil unrest not from those who are of protected status, but from those who are generational natives (white working class people who are generationally linked to the UK). This is the case in Britain, which is essentially a socialist state and is coming close to evolving into a communist soviet state in the near future. Two-tiered policing is now in place to quash the generational Britons because in a globalist communist feudal state ‘nationalism’ is the greatest danger and fear. Britain’s white nationalist Christian generational indigenous population are a forgotten, discarded and neglected underclass for the socialist Big State.
It is okay for example to hold a Hamas placard and call for all Jews to be murdered in cold blood or for a Palestinian protester to piss on the Cenotaph, or burn a British flag, or hold a BLM placard calling for all white people to be killed, but when the generational natives protest for whatever reason, then they are shut down with extreme prejudice.
Rioting Bangladeshi people, rioting Romanians, rioting Bulgarians, rioting BLM supporters, rioting Palestinian supporters, rioting Islamists, rioting asylum seekers are deemed as permissible and the police stand by but rioting generational natives are an element deemed as extremely threatening to the authorities and are dealt with swiftly as well as severely.
British people are in essence a disarmed defeated people, seeing as owning a gun for defence is illegal, and defending one’s property or life by any means is punished to the full extent of the law. One can defend their own life or their family’s lives from attackers and be sent to prison for 10 or 20 years if the attacker is hurt in any way. In most countries, this legal and unjust insanity would be viewed as a crime in itself, but in Britain sadly it is the norm. It’s okay though, the criminals all have guns, it’s just that you don’t.
To bring forth an effective dictatorship, the dictator must first disarm the people, as Hitler did in Germany and Stalin did in Russia and Chairman Mao did in China. Whether it is a communist dictatorship or fascist is moot, the population when disarmed cannot rise up against the tyranny of dictatorship of the Big State, and this is the point of the entire exercise.
The current Labour socialist government is thus being a little more proactive with its plans to move things forward, more so than the previous socialist government under the Conservatives.
The future in Britain will thus be even more blighted than it already is now. Two-tiered policing will be an element to quash any form of nationalism. We can expect to see the Starmer Stasi rising in power exponentially as they prosecute free speech further, prosecute protest from generational natives more severely and effectively move the country further towards full-blown communism, because that is their ultimate goal once they gain a foothold.
Anyone who is a generational native — an English English person — is a huge threat to socialist Britain because they represent a thing called ‘nationalism’ which in the collectivist soviet system is a big menace. Labour is now pushing towards ‘ever closer union’ with the Soviet EU State, and things like ‘nationalism’ from generational white English people is something that must be stamped on and rubbed out immediately. Amongst the Labour hierarchy and lower commissars, English natives are all now deemed as ‘far right’ because these people have nationalistic leanings. It is in fact an interesting and rather ironic point that the Nazis during the 1930s and 40s themselves were socialists and left-wing much like any other socialist government in play today either in the USA (Democrats) or the UK (Labour) but shhh, don’t mention that point to anyone. A clear example of this is the fascist group ANTIFA who claim to be stout communist Marxists but in fact act like fascists themselves, there is very little ideological difference between their brand of so-called anti-fascism and fascism itself, all blended within a communist facade. Political ideologies can be melted together, as displayed by the EU, which is not democratic because the EU Commission who control the Soviet/Fascist state are all unelected by the population. China, despite being a communist dictatorship state, has over the decades dabbled in capitalism which in essence goes completely against the true ideological basis of Marxist communism. The USA under the Democrats is moving away from democracy and is ideologically fully integrating with socialism and Marxism via the Woke route, as is the UK.
Good times ahead in a communist socialist fascist mixed world resembling an ideological mixing pot where democracy, freedom and individual nation states will be dissolved and integrated into a new form of global soviet dictatorship. So dear friends, and enemies, this is why there is two-tiered policing and why freedom and democracy will soon be things of the past.
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