
Black Swan Event as the Debt Mountain Speaks – Great Reset

LONDON - England - Call it a Black Monday or a Black Swan Event, the debt piles of the West are groaning as economies collapse around us.

To create a solution one first has to create the problem, and when the population cries out in agony present them with even thicker prison bars. The Great Reset is the answer according to the World Economic Forum but to get to the point of this dystopian dream thought up by these machines of supreme manipulation who ultimately created this Black Swan Event, the world has to get angrier. Indeed, one only has to switch on the news to see an angry world, a nightmare of huge proportions unfolding right in front of our tired and apathetic eyes. The multitude of riots across the UK, the stock market imploding, currencies losing over half of their value in seconds, as well as the despair of the ordinary citizen who is seeing their jobs vanish into thin air taken up by automation and specialised AI programs made for businesses. The WEF and other globalist forces were the ones along with the West’s enemies who planned and implemented the mass unfettered immigration into the Western nations in order to destabilise them and cause chaos.

What happens to the citizen who now cannot feed their family or pay the mortgage, or the car payments or the rent? Everything we knew before will vanish, and our despair will be eaten up and absorbed by the financial engineers of this horrible economic disaster. Those who printed sacks of money with the so-called quantitative easing and continue to conjure up equity out of nothingness ultimately are the ones who created this inflationary mess. Of course, the pandemic did not help things in any way either.

When the economy of large nations like China and the USA are built on debt, there can only be one single reckoning for this level of stupidity and greed — economic collapse.

The fear index VIX gesticulates its ultimate disgust by rising to even higher levels, as the indices all crash from panic selling. The margin calls wipe out entire accounts in literal seconds and there goes your kid’s college fund, your pension and every fucking thing else.

Yes, the Great Reset and CBDCs will emerge from this, and instead of being the solution, they will invariably impoverish billions of people as wealth is once more directed into the pockets of the super rich technocrats who designed all this shit in the first fucking place. These supreme manipulators own both sides of the coin, so the Hegelian Dialectic is so much easier to formulate their planned results not only in good time, but efficiently are the source of the daylight robbery taking place right now. This is however the last chance saloon, because when you keep stealing from the people, eventually there is nothing left to steal, as will be the case soon after the final purge.

The future is not bright any more, and you certainly don’t want to wear shades.

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