
Finally the Corpse of Biden Will be Laid to Rest

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - The rotting corpse of Joe Biden can finally be laid to rest.

The most disastrous President the United States and world has had the displeasure of experiencing is finally to be buried or mummified, seeing as he was a walking corpse, a putrefying cadaver anyway. The Squib has called alarm about this fucking disaster constantly for four years.

Democrats lied and gaslighted America for four years

Obama recently called Biden a “great patriot” but many would laugh at that, seeing as his open door policy let in over 20 million illegal migrants without any checks. How can you be a patriot when you make the streets of the USA even more dangerous than they already are? The disgraceful Democrats have been gaslighting and lying about Joe Biden for four years now, and have put the globe in grave danger by instating a decrepit candidate in the sham 2020 Covid elections, which allowed ‘Basement Joe’ to stay at home. We have to also remember that Sleepy Joe was never a functioning president, and the team behind him with Obama barking orders were the ones actually running the presidency.

Disaster after disaster

The disastrous evacuation of troops from Afghanistan was Biden’s crowning glory, where he left over 100 billion dollars worth of military hardware and ammunition to the Taliban and China. As of now, China has taken over Bagram Air Base and many other installations in conjunction with the Taliban. The deal with the Taliban is for China to repair and maintain the dozens of Blackhawk helicopters and other US military hardware left behind by the idiotic Biden administration.

Under the high inflation, high tax economy of Joe Biden Americans were squeezed even tighter than a nun’s poom poom, and living pay cheque to pay cheque in a climate of insane eco policies that impoverished millions of people across the USA as well as destroying many businesses.

Biden was synonymous with highly irresponsible and irrational policies that not only bankrupted the USA further but brought great danger to the globe.

Because Biden was in the White House, Vladimir Putin saw that as a great opportunity to walk further into Ukraine. Luckily, this did not work out so well for the Russian dictator, because the people picking up the pieces behind the scenes of the Biden administration fully backed Ukraine up with assistance in military hardware. That was the only relatively good thing that the people who were running the US presidency accomplished.

Additionally, Biden hated the British, and he made life very hard for us policy wise, especially regarding Brexit. Being a stalwart Irish patriot, he despised the British with a vengeance, and did not hide his hatred in any way. He will have been happy in the thought that he held off Brexit until his communist counterpart Keir Starmer was in power.  Biden was instrumental in messing up any thought of a trade deal with the UK and USA, and being a commie, fully supported the EU in every anti-British action they made.

What the Dems do now will not change much, as Trump is flying high in the polls, especially after the recent shooting incident where an incompetent Jill Biden appointed Secret Service were caught in a deliberate form of inaction. That was the last chance saloon for Biden, and Trump moved his head at the last moment. From then on, Biden’s time was up.

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