
Anti-Gun Leftists: “Since Trump Shooting We Love Guns”

SAN FRANCISCO - USA - Since the Donald Trump shooting, anti-gun leftists have displayed their love of guns, and gun culture.

American socialist anti-gun leftists used to abhor gun culture, and any public shooting event would bring them out in droves baying for a ban on guns, but things have changed since the Donald Trump assassination attempt.

“I used to go to anti-gun rallies nearly every week. We had placards, and would shout out anti-gun slogans for hours on end on the street corner. Since the Trump shooting, I can’t get enough of guns. The more people who own deadly weapons like guns, the better. Hopefully, the next guy will not miss!” Angela Danica, 34, a primary school teacher from California, told CNN on Tuesday.

More guns please

Many former anti-gun leftists are now even signing up to gun ranges so they too can learn how to shoot at presidential candidates if they suddenly go “full libtard”.

“We need more guns everywhere, and everyone should be able to shoot straight. That idiot who tried to down Trump missed by a few millimetres, that’s not good enough. All our troubles would have disappeared if he had aimed straight. I used to hold anti-gun protests outside this very shooting range, but now look at me, I’m holding an AR-15 and loving it,” Esmeralda Domingo, 47, a district judge from New York revealed.

“The NRA is a beautiful organisation and I support it fully! We need more guns, please. Mr and Mrs America, buy more guns right now,” Former speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi quipped, four minutes after the shooting of Donald Trump was reported on the news.

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