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HomeWorldThe Democrat Party Only Cares About Losing Total Control

The Democrat Party Only Cares About Losing Total Control

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - The Democrat Party only cares about losing total control over everything by an outsider like Trump. This is their greatest fear.

This is the true fear of the control freak socialist Democrat Party in America who controls the entirety of the media; the entirety of the Federal government, the entirety of Big Tech, the entirety of the scientific community, the entirety of the banking system and the entire Education system, along with the Judicial system and military. Socialists think they are the arbiters of all truth, they view their opinions and morals as superior to everyone else’s and if you disagree they simply make you disappear. This is why they fear Trump because he has the ability to change the complete hold that the Democrat socialists have over every facet of your lives. The Nazis in World War II were socialists, they were National Socialists however which held a racial bias, but they were socialists nevertheless.

We do not live in a democracy 

We are not living in a democracy. How can we be living in a democracy where an authoritarian socialist all-encompassing monopolistic force controls every single narrative, every single thought and all channels of discourse? How can we be living in a democracy where one single party controls all forms of electoral campaign discourse, keeping channels open only to its own politicians and viewpoints, its narrative, and shutting down anything else with an opposing voice? The internet was once a relatively free zone, but after the horrific Obama reign it became a punitive mind prison controlled solely by one socialist/Marxist ideology and a monopoly Silicon Valley Big Tech fascistic cabal. To have a fully functioning democracy, other political voices and ideologies must be allowed to be heard, and tolerated. Under the current state of affairs, this is not the case, and the Democrat Party is the only one allowed to truly dominate every point of view.

Statista chart 1900 – 2021

If the so-called election campaigns only favour one voice from a single party, is this democracy? You will hear socialist Democrat politicians shouting out that any other candidate for the election stands for a “loss of democracy” and this is why they should be cancelled, and their voice removed from the campaign. What they are doing in fact is anti-democratic themselves, yet they call the other cancelled side as a “threat to democracy”. The Democrats are famous for utilising this technique of labelling others with what they are doing themselves. One could possibly thank the communist radical Saul Alinsky and Stalin for this technique.

Much of the population thus still imagines that we are living in a democracy, when in fact we have not for some time. It is an impossibility, especially when the entire media is controlled exclusively by socialists and communists.

So, what now? We are no longer in a democracy, how can we remedy things? The sad part of this answer is once full power was given away to these authoritarian controlling socialists and communists, it is now nigh on impossible for them to relinquish their power. Even if someone like Trump does somehow win the next election, he will not be able to change the ultimate control over every facet of government, media and the military that is part of the Democrat Party fascistic control system. One way or another, they will make him stand down or eradicate him completely. The monster is too big to fail, and is parasitic in nature. The only distant way is to completely destroy them, and then to build over their bones, but this method is risky because it will also certainly mean your very own destruction as well.


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