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HomeWorldTRUMP SHOOTING: Nasty Anti-Trump Rhetoric to Blame

TRUMP SHOOTING: Nasty Anti-Trump Rhetoric to Blame

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - Anti-Trump rhetoric is hugely to blame for the divisive atmosphere and violence.

After months/years of demonising President Trump with really nasty rhetoric, the Dems are partly to blame for the extreme polarisation of the political landscape and the resultant violent targeting of Donald J. Trump. The anti-Trump rhetoric is the direct cause of yesterday’s shooting by radicalising people with divisive and vituperative rhetoric. There was already a heavy load of TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) present due to years of demonising Trump, and weaponising the judicial and federal state system against him.

Whichever political persuasion someone leans towards, they should be allowed to speak without fear of violence or cancellation. The so-called “inclusive” and “tolerant” left have shown themselves not to be liberal in any way, but intolerant authoritarians who use violence and intimidation to shut down political discussion. In the UK, Nigel Farage is constantly abused, cancelled and a target of bias by British socialists. In the US, Trump’s situation is even worse.

The supposed inclusive tolerant “liberals” have promoted this wholesale divisive and toxic anti-Trump rhetoric, inciting extreme hatred, which inevitably spills over into real violence.

Biden himself used violent rhetoric during a speech the other day, with language like “it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye”.

The political ramifications of the shooting incident means that the Dems are not only left with a lacklustre demented candidate in Biden, but now a united Trump supporter base or, as the Democrats describe them — his “deplorable” followers.

The Dems have now lost the election, and this time their electoral tricks, weaponised state and media bias will not be able to contain the election result in November.

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  1. I told my husband Trump had been shot. He immediately started searching online. Nothing.

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