LONDON - England - In an interconnected world on steroids, every part of human existence is analysed and filed by parasitical exploitative entities.
Eat your fucking burger
When humans become too interconnected, they reject this state through war because too much connection creates a reaction of disconnection and a run to privacy. Our inherent differences are accentuated to a point that eventually sows the seeds for conflict on and off the internet.
We are told day in day out that humans have to communicate with each other constantly through smartphones, the internet, social media, but no one has factored in the consequences of such levels of communication because they were blinded by the revenue made from connectivity overload.
Of course, humans need some level of communication and connection with each other, but the situation we are at now is at a level of overload.
When was the last time you sat at a desk and wrote a letter to someone on a piece of paper?
When was the last time you had a real conversation with someone face to face, and not impersonal cold digital words with a stranger on the internet who interacts with thousands of other impersonal messages every day?
This is the ultimate paradox that through more connectivity humans have grown further apart from each other and there is a very good reason humankind will head to complete global war soon.
One of the reasons for rejection of the internet beast is the loss of privacy, of space, of real human contact, of community, of family and of love.
The digital beast is a cold hard obtuse world of code with no warmth and human eye to eye, face to face connection. Zoom conferences do not substitute reality in any way but present a cold digital representation of human connectivity that is ultimately soulless.
The prying incessant eyes of communication now delve into our lives with an extreme hunger for data on every part of our existence, and daily our loss of privacy is getting worse. Humans need privacy, but now every form you fill in for anything requires invasive data to be revealed that infringes on our rights as humans. Every part of your life is now digitized and filed/sold.
All of this unhappiness naturally builds up to a crescendo, not only with individuals, but entire nations are soaked with this spam world malaise that infects every part of our existence. If you know that much data about your enemies then you know where to attack, where their weaknesses are and how to destroy your enemy with the most effectiveness.
This level of interconnectedness will eventually backfire because it is now intrusive and one could even say a form of bullying to eek out every piece of information from people just wanting to live their lives in peace.
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