EU Führer Has ‘Tools’ to Stop Italians Voting For Right Party

BERLIN - EU - Führer of the Fourth EU Reich, Ursula von der Leyen has threatened Italian voters that if they vote for the wrong party, there will be trouble.

The Führer of the Fourth Reich EU totalitarian state, Ursula von der Leyen has warned the Italian people that if they vote in a democratic election for the Brothers of Italy party, led by Giorgia Meloni, the unelected Führer des Großdeutschen Reiches will utilise certain techniques to dismantle the democratic vote of the Italian people.

Speaking from the EU Commission, where unelected faceless EU autocrats dictate policy across the bloc of imprisoned former sovereign nations, von der Leyen revealed that she may set Schutzstaffel and EU Stasi agents on to the Italians in order to ‘persuade’ them to vote for the ‘correct’ candidate.

“Ve already had ze problemen vis der Britisher schweinhunds who had zere EU Referendum vere zey voted in ze largest democratic vote in Englisher history to leave ze EU. Ve tried and tried to thwart ze democracy even our vell paid agents implanted in zere parliament could not stoppen zhose Scheißkerl Tommy’s.”

All the data from the exit polls point towards Meloni becoming the next democratically voted PM in Italy.

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