Nasty Woke Publications Celebrate Death of the Queen

NEW YORK - USA - Columnists for woke US publications were celebrated for wishing the Queen 'an excruciating death'.

The New York Times, The Atlantic and New Yorker magazine were some of the publications where black woke columnists said they would enjoy ‘dancing on the Queen’s grave’ as well as blaming her for ‘colonialism’ throughout the centuries just hours after the monarch’s death.

If it were not for colonialism, these smirking jackals would not hold cushy jobs writing their template Marxist nonsense day in day out for so-called ‘enlightened’ virtue signalling white New Yorkers to self flagellate themselves whilst sipping their socialist champagne.

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There would not be any form of governmental systems in place, railways, roads or state structure. There would not be any schools or hospitals or any form of economy or manufacturing. There would not be any telecommunications, satellite, GPS or cell phones.

The Western clothes, and language these woke racist morons have adopted are all thanks to colonialism, and one could even say they are appropriating Western culture by adopting these things. In fact, why are they still living in the West if they hate everything about it in the first place?

Just as celebrities like Beyonce lighten their skin with specialist treatment and dye their hair blonde, it is a fact that many black women are appropriating the style and culture of European women. The woke go crazy when anyone else adopts a different cultural style, but for them the rules do not seem to apply.

No one dares address these issues, as these vile comments from woke supposed ‘human beings’ like Tirhakah Love, Maya Jasanoff, Uju Anya, Ebony Elizabeth Thomas, and Jemele Hill are celebrated by the socialist cultural Marxist enablers in these torrid putrefying magazines and newspapers.

On light of the awful comments from these parasites, sure they can spew their words of racist hatred towards others, but this is only because of freedom of speech they can do this. If anyone dares call these gloating pieces of detritus out, they would call for the other party to thus be cancelled and censored, such is their hypocritical cowardly duplicitous wretched character. Wokism is thus a form of racism, and should be labelled as such, especially when not all blacks are racist and not all whites are either.

Perhaps when these people die, despite their horrid comments to the Queen of Britain, they would be treated with some form of dignity, something they as despicable forlorn cowardly creatures could not even afford the British Queen as a human being.

Nothing will ever change until we all treat each other like human beings. What these people have clearly shown is that racism can come from some on the black side as much as from some on the white.

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