
EU Energy Price Cap: 7% UK Price Cap: 80% – EU Brexit Punishment Continues

BRUSSELS - Belgium - The EU is punishing Britain for leaving by increasing energy costs by 80%.

“Because you are no longer members of the exclusive EU club like us who are still hooked up to the Russian gas pipes, we will punish you Britisher swine further by pushing up the gas and electricity delivered to you by 80%. How do you like that, English morons? Who says we are not vindictive evil swines in the EU?” one faceless unelected EU Commission autocrat yelled on Friday.

For Frack’s Sake!

Britons, despite living on an island full of gas and coal, are of course muzzled by the eco mob and globalist controllers who demand impossible things that will no doubt bankrupt the British economy. China has fired up over 100 coal powered facilities within the past 6 months, but no one says anything about that.

Winter is Coming

The energy price cap is set to rise to over £6,500 per annum, which will cripple millions of households and businesses across the UK this coming winter.

“Tie the huge energy price hikes with insane increases in interest rates, and my small business will not be profitable to run anymore. I have spoken to dozens of business owners and they are all in the same boat. We can’t afford to keep the lights on so that’s it,” Eric Smith, 46, a factory owner from Shropshire revealed.

With huge energy price rises, some businesses will try to pass the cost on to the customer by hiking their prices as well. Supermarket prices will increase, as will all other things that will still be on the shelves. Sales will invariably drop as no one will buy these products at overinflated prices.

Britain is being punished not only by the EU but by the globalists.

“Remember ze doodlebugs you British scum? Until you rejoin ze soviet fascist collectivist EU bloc again unt resume cash-cow status feeding ze most impoverished EU sektors, ve vill continue punishing you Britisher scum! Fuckenzie you! Heil EU!” German MEP, Otto von Scheister shouted from his EU parapet.

Meanwhile, in Russia, Vladimir Putin chuckles to himself, pours himself another glass of Polonium-210 and answers another fawning call from his dear friend Macron of France.

Disgraceful Macron Caught Fuelling Putin’s Warplanes

Daily Squib Tips to Survive Huge Interest Rate Hikes

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