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HomeWorldThe Invisible Front Syria and Iran

The Invisible Front Syria and Iran

DAMASCUS - Syria - There is an invisible front that no one talks about. It is not on any map, it is not mentioned in any news reports. It is however something that denotes the tipping point between global war and peace.

“Within the sphere of global politics, there are invisible lines which if crossed, are triggers for war. Syria is such a zone as it is heavily backed by Russia as is Iran. Global dominance by the United States and its allies crossing that line would mean the world’s power structure would alter favourably for the West against Russia and China. Already, the West has taken Libya, Egypt, Turkey, Tunisia and Iraq, as well as parts of Afghanistan. Once they take Syria and Iran, Russia will be on the back foot and its strategic global influence will be castrated. A weakened Russia would make it redundant in global brinksmanship and reduce its influence in foreign policy, as well as economically. The exponential increase in the world’s population naturally results in global resources and energy being reduced daily. These are not infinite, and once used up are gone forever, therefore it is inevitable that there will be a final clash to capture the whole world’s resources by one single faction. If this means completely eradicating the other faction, then it will be have to be done, quickly and efficiently. There should not be any mercy or political solutions, as mercy will mean there are survivors who have to be fed and clothed,” professor in geopolitics at the University of Maastricht, revealed at a recent news conference in the Dutch city.

Sooner or later someone had to make the first move.

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  1. oh no, Egypt are not belonging to anybody!

    except the Hyksos from 1800-1500 BC, the Assyrians 700-600 BC, the Persians 500-330 BC, the Greeks 330BC-30AD, the Romans 30-450 AD, the Persians again 621-629, 4 different groups of Muslims 640-1500, the Turks 1550-1870 (except a few years occupied by the French), and the British 1880-1953.

    who's yo daddy

  2. Flash news for YOU, AMERICA: Egyptian are not belonging to anyone and, as usual along the history, they will be the wall and the bridge stone between East and West. Neither Russia or YOU will grab and drag Egypt into your "play station game". Egypt WASN'T, ISN'T and WILL NOT BE FOR SALE!
    Enough with your indoctrination about "coup". THE COUP IS YOU!

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