“You can’t have affirmative action in a court case. Just because someone is a particular colour or there are threats of riots if certain sections don’t get their own way. Justice is justice, and George Zimmerman will soon be a free man,” someone outside the court said when standing on a soap box. He was summarily pelted with rotten tomatoes by the black crowd, but what he said was invariably the truth.
The evidence all too clearly points towards a lawful defence by George Zimmerman from attacker Trayvon Martin.
This may be a small victory for all those ‘creepy ass crackers’ out there but for America it is symptomatic of a deeply sick society blighted by a fathomless pit of seething racial hatred.
“The prosecution’s star witness seemed to be working for the defence in this case. As for the all white jury, I’m sure they will get some stick for their decision but they should hold their heads high for they have done nothing wrong apart from free a man who has done nothing wrong,” another court side spectator said.
Zimmerman is going to walk. ABC newtwork just cam up with this http://abcnews.go.com/US/george-zimmerman-convicted-murder-manslaughter/story?id=19598422#.UdnkHz7DVoY
Afro Americans just need to accept that Zimmerman is innocent and they cant jail him for nothing.
Trayvon innocent. WTF kinda **** is this?