
Why Globalists Must Not Fear Brexit – New World Order Strengthened

LONDON - England - There is nothing to fear from a Brexit as in the longterm it will ensure a positive global strengthening of the New World Order.



Despite the fear inducing projections of the likes of Soros, it is a certainty that the EU will continue to function post-Brexit, and Britain will continue to work with the EU and the rest of the global community in peace.

The markets will stabilise as there has been little fundamental change to the status of Britain, and Brussels has reacted relatively calmly to the EU referendum result. Germany’s Chancellor Merkel gave a positive, calm speech on Saturday.

“Quite honestly, it should not take ages, that is true, but I would not fight now for a short time frame,” Merkel told a news conference.

“The negotiations must take place in a businesslike, good climate,” she said. “Britain will remain a close partner, with which we are linked economically.”

Retaining a strong Great Britain within International politics will bolster the alliance between the United States and the European Union as well as their allies in Eastern Asia.

Britain has the fifth largest economy in the world, holds seats in the United Nations security council and is a key member of NATO.

Britain’s contribution to geo-political discourse and proliferation are invaluable to global political peace, especially in this time of unrest in the Middle East.

As well as forging new trading deals with emerging economies across the globe, the UK will prosper once again as it enjoys its place at the head of the financial global centre. There is no doubt that Brexit was a feared outcome from the globalists, however their fear should subside with time as global stability is reassured.

There are many nations like Japan, Canada, Australia who are flourishing outside the European Union with trade deals, and peaceful cooperation with other nations. Britain is one of these nations, and the democratic EU referendum conducted on June 23, 2016 proved that there is a plan to forge its own path in the global community, yet still contribute and cooperate fully within the globalised world. Britain does not think in terms of restricted trade with punishing EU regulations within an inward looking EU, it instead chooses to look globally to a market of 7 billion people.

The global plan is still intact, and will indeed strengthen, as to have a strong Great Britain outside the EU is better than to have a weakened Great Britain within the EU.


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