LONDON - England - Supreme Comrade Corbyn has beaten back dissenters, divergionists and treacherous traitors from a coup on his leadership of the People's Soviet Labour Party.
Comrades! Citizens! Brothers and Sisters! Men, women, gender fluids of our Soviet Labour Party!
I am addressing you, my friends!
The perfidious coup attack on our Party, begun on June 24 by lickspittle traitor Commissar Hilary, is continuing.
In spite of heroic resistance of the Labourite Red Army, and although the enemy’s finest divisions and finest units have already been smashed and have met their doom on the field of battle, the enemy continues to push forward, hurling fresh forces into the attack.
Hilary’s troops have succeeded in capturing half of the shadow cabinet, a considerable part of the Cabinet, but we have upped the barricades and thrown the enemy from the ramparts.
The Fascist coup is extending the range of operations of its attacks and is bombing the news media with further lies, lies, lies.
A grave danger hangs over our party.
How could it have happened that our glorious Red Army surrendered a number of Cabinet seats to the Fascist traitors and vile betrayers of our Soviet ideals?
What is required to put an end to the danger hovering over our party, and what measures must be taken to smash the enemy?
Above all, it is essential that our people, the Soviet Labour party, should understand the full immensity of the danger that threatens our party and abandon all complacency, all heedlessness, all those moods of peaceful, constructive work which were so natural before the coup but which are fatal today when the in-fighting has fundamentally changed everything.
The enemy is cruel and implacable. He is out to seize our party watered with our sweat, to seize our soviet Marxist ideology and soil secured by our hard work.
He is out to restore the rule of landlords, to restore capitalism, to destroy national culture and the national State socialist existence of Soviet Britons.
Thus the issue is one of life or death for the Soviet Labour party, for the peoples of Britain.: the issue is whether peoples of the Soviet Labour Peoples Party shall remain enslaved or fall into democracy.
The Soviet people must realise this and abandon all heedlessness, they must mobilise themselves and reorganise all their work on new, wartime lines, when there can be no mercy to the enemy.
Further, there must be no room in our ranks for whimperers and cowards, for panic-mongers and deserters; our people must know no fear in the fight and must selflessly join our patriotic War of liberation, our war against the democratic enslavers.
MacDonald, the great founder of our Party, used to say that the chief virtue of the Soviet people must be courage, valour, fearlessness in struggle, readiness to fight together with the people against the enemies of our party.
We must wage a ruthless fight against all disorganisers of the rear, deserters, panic-mongers, rumour-mongers, exterminate spies, diversionists, enemy parachutists, rendering rapid aid in all this to our destroyer battalions. We must bear in mind that the enemy is crafty, unscrupulous, experienced in deception and dissemination of false rumours.
We must reckon with all this and not fall victim to provocation. All who by their panic-mongering and cowardice hinder the work of defence, no matter who they are, must be immediately haled before a party tribunal.
In order to insure a rapid mobilisation of all forces of the peoples of the Soviet Labour Party, and to repulse the interior enemy who treacherously attacked our party, a State Committee of Defence has been formed in whose hands the entire power of the State has been vested.
All our forces for the support of our heroic Red Army and our glorious Labour Party!
All the forces of the people—for the demolition of the enemy!
Forward, to our victory!
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