President Bush has big plans for the regeneration of Iraq and one of the first things he plans on doing is building as many shoe shops as he can for the Iraqi people.
On his last momentous visit to Iraq, the president was greeted with many shoes from the Iraqi public showing their gratitude and happiness at his presence on their home soil.
If the shoe fits..
“In Iraq, if we really like someone we throw shoes at them and slap them around with the soles of our flip flops. It is a custom that has been around for a thousand years. This is why we greeted president Bush with the soles of our shoes. He has done so much for our country,” Mahmoud Ali Akbar, who has had both of his legs amputated from the knee down and has no need for any shoes, told Iraqi Daily News.
The signs of progress are all too clear. Bush’s Perpetual War of Terror has brought wonderful delights to the Iraqi people, they are all now languishing in a quality of life that is unrivalled in the Middle East.
“Since the Americans came and installed democracy through the end of a barrel of a gun, we have been so happy. I have seen how democracy works from the inside of Abu Ghraib jail where I have been enjoying activities like waterboarding, electric musical chairs and scrotal bungee jumping,” Walid Abdul Masjoud told Reuters.
President Bush has been very proud of his achievements in Iraq and was on hand at the Iraqi conference to applaud his victory over the Iraqi people.
“Iraq is the new frontier in the Middle East for the New American Century. We now own this territory and we have conquered the valuable resources within this country. Every day, more oil and profits are taken from the land and we as Americans are safer in our SUV’s and Hummers on American soil. We can live in the knowledge that gas prices will stay lower than many countries because we now own the second largest oil deposits in the world.”
^you're a disgrace
he is well deserving for that becoz he has done so much bad and has shown his dictatorship and brutality at an extreme in iraq and afghanistan and is supportung at an extreme to the anti isla mic policies around the world.