world cup

Why is Intolerant Racist Islamophobe Gary Lineker Even in Qatar?

DOHA - Qatar - Why did the BBC choose to send the clearly intolerant racist islamophobic arrogant Gary Lineker to…

2 years ago

Our Predictions For the Qatar World Cup 2022

DOHA - Qatar - Get a heavy dose of panem et circenses (bread and circuses) during the World Cup 2022…

2 years ago

Whatever Happened to the World Cup Being About Football?

DOHA - Qatar - Activists preaching politics and cultural Marxism in sport should be forbidden. Keep sport free, keep football…

2 years ago

WORLD CUP: Islamic Qatar to be Force Fed Education on Homosexuality

DOHA - Qatar - LGBTQP educators are gearing up to attending the World Cup to educate the Qataris in the…

2 years ago

Tory Betrayal: ‘Panem et Circenses’ World Cup Soft Brexit Ploy

LONDON - England - With Labour now surpassing the Conservatives in a recent poll by 5%, the cynical ploy to…

7 years ago

Have England Signed Death Sentence For Colombian Players After Penalty Win?

MOSCOW - Russia - The England team cleared out a twenty year drought of winning penalty shootouts, by actually winning…

7 years ago

World Cup 2018 Russian Festival of Brutal Violence a Death Sentence

MOSCOW - Russia - The upcoming World Cup will be a serious test for England fans as the Russian Ultras…

7 years ago

England Football Team Prepare For Russian World Cup

MOSCOW - Russia - The World Cup 2018 is set to be a real test for the England squad when…

7 years ago

Fortune Teller Sees England World Cup Results

LONDON - England - A fortune teller has seen the result for England's attempt at the World Cup.

11 years ago

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