
Reform: Saving Britain the Common Sense Widdecombe Way

DONCASTER - England - No one speaks more common sense than the Reform Party's Ann Widdecombe.

1 year ago

Daily Squib Exclusive: The Ann Widdecombe Brexit Interview

DEVON - England - The editor, Aur Esenbel interviews former Conservative MP Ann Widdecombe about Brexit and its meaning.

1 year ago

Verhofstadt Cowers Under Table After Auntie Widdecombe Bollocking

BRUSSELS - Belgium - Auntie Ann Widdecombe, one of the MEPs for the Brexit Party debuted a thunderous speech at…

6 years ago

Brexit Widdecombe Bomb to Destroy Opposition in European Elections

LONDON - England - The upcoming European elections and the Brexit Party has just gone nuclear, cue veteran former Tory…

6 years ago

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