
Strait of Hormuz: War With Iran Will Ensure Trump 2020 Win

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - The bombing of tankers in the Strait of Hormuz points a finger at the heavily…

6 years ago

The EU Deserves NOT a Single Penny From the UK

LONDON - England - The UK should not pay the EU a single penny of their £39 billion ransom demand,…

6 years ago

Iran and Gaza Escalation Sign of What is to Come

TEHRAN - Iran - Tensions within the Persian Gulf are escalating, as well as the Gaza region between Israel. Could…

6 years ago

Extinction Rebellion Protest is About Population Control

LONDON - England - Extinction Rebellion protesters are actually protesting about population control and how it desperately needed right now…

6 years ago

Without Air Force Brutal ISIS Lost the War Years Ago

DAMASCUS - Syria - The inevitable defeat and loss of territory for ISIS was assured years ago simply because they…

6 years ago

EU Army: Does the World Really Need ANOTHER Army?

DAVOS - Switzerland - With solidified union between Germany and France, the EU army is taking shape, but the question…

6 years ago

Divided America – The Video That Tells of Civil War Ahead

TEXAS - USA - Civil war is coming to America for its second and final outing. This time, the purge…

6 years ago

Why Men Are Being Targeted in the West

CALIFORNIA -USA - Masculinity and men are being targeted and denigrated in the West for a very good reason by…

6 years ago

Think Tank: Britain Must Invigorate Military Budget and Bring in Compulsory Draft

LONDON - England - Amongst many global threats, the UK must upgrade military funding by as much as 60% to…

6 years ago

War Only Way: Globalists Tried Union Through Economics and Third World Forced Migration But Failed

ROME - Italy - Forced migration into the West as prescribed by globalist architects has failed and there needs to…

6 years ago

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