Vote Leave FACTS

Britain Clears Path for Turkey’s EU Membership

ISTANBUL - Turkey - Britain is clearing the path for Turkey's accession to the EU which will occur after June…

9 years ago

EU-funded CBI Does Not Represent British Business

LONDON - England - The pro-EU CBI cannot be trusted and is a corrupted institution with zero credibility in relation…

9 years ago

School Place Statistics Show We Must Take Back Control of Our Borders

LONDON - England - The Department for Education has today published statistics on secondary and primary school applications revealing an…

9 years ago

Logic of IN Campaign’s Claims is to Vote Leave

LONDON - England - Leading members of the IN campaign are now calling for restrictions on free movement and admitting…

9 years ago

European Court Still in Charge of Our Social Security and Borders

BRUSSELS - Belgium - A challenge to the UK's right to deny some EU migrants child benefit and child tax…

9 years ago

Peter Lilley Responds to BT Letter Telling 80,000 Staff to Vote Remain

LONDON - England - Peter Lilley MP, responds to the letter from BT to their staff telling them to vote…

9 years ago

How the EU Spends Your Money – Scandalous Expense Claims by EU Officials Uncovered

LONDON - England - New research exposes the most outrageous and excessive expenses claims by EU officials.

9 years ago

Read Documents That Prove Turkey Granted Visa Free Travel After June 23

ANKARA - Turkey - Leaked documents reveal that visa free access to Turkish citizens will most certainly occur after June…

9 years ago

Three-quarters of a Million People Gained Right to Come to UK in Last Year

LONDON - England - Eurostat's publication today of acquisition of citizenship statistics for the EU reveal the UK has no…

9 years ago

Gordon Brown’s ‘Kiss of Death’ For IN Campaign Relaunch

LEICESTER - England - Gordon Brown's speech today claims that remaining in the EU means more jobs, lower energy prices,…

9 years ago

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