
Man Glad He Never Invested in Iraqi Dinars

FLORIDA - USA - A man has revealed his relief that he never wasted any money investing in Iraqi Dinars.

11 years ago

Iraq: Mission Accomplished

THE HAGUE - Netherlands - Two former heads of state were today celebrating their success in Iraq by visiting the…

11 years ago

What Bush Took Obama Gave Away

TIKRIT - Iraq - What George W. Bush took away, Barack Hussein Obama kindly gave away.

11 years ago

South Americans Delight in Obama Amnesty

ARIZONA - USA - Millions of poor South Americans are being welcomed with open arms into the United States thanks…

11 years ago

Iraq Vichy Government on Tenuous Ground Says History

MOSUL - Iraq - The American installed president Maliki knows all too well that his Vichy government is on tender…

11 years ago

Iraq: Obama May Get Second Nobel Peace Prize After Fall of Mosul

OSLO - Norway - The fall of Iraq's second largest city to Al Qaeda fighters has precipitated calls for President…

11 years ago

Study: Politicians Are Capable of Feeling Regret

LONDON - England - Politicians are capable of feeling regret about their own actions, an emotion that has never previously…

11 years ago

Surveillance Camera Man: Cameras, Cameras Everywhere Even Here!

TULSA - USA - You are not trusted, that's the bare bones of the fact, and that is why there…

11 years ago

‘Teflon Barry the Invincible Magic President’ Opens to Rave Reviews

LOS ANGELES - USA - The latest film from Hollywood land is sure to be a box office hit.

11 years ago

American Shooting Spree Theme Park Opened in Texas

TEXAS - USA - Americans love a shooting spree, and one entrepreneur is capitalising on this American penchant for indiscriminate…

11 years ago

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