
CoronAmerica Virus Nightmare ContinuesCoronAmerica Virus Nightmare Continues

CoronAmerica Virus Nightmare Continues

FLORIDA - USA - The CoronAmerica virus continues to infect millions daily unabated, as a feeling of apathy and denial…

5 years ago
Iran Retaliation Lottery: Where and How Will They Strike Next?Iran Retaliation Lottery: Where and How Will They Strike Next?

Iran Retaliation Lottery: Where and How Will They Strike Next?

LONDON - England - After the assassination of Iranian General Qassam Soleimani, the Iranian regime has vowed to and…

5 years ago
Experts: Obama Allowed Iran to Takeover IraqExperts: Obama Allowed Iran to Takeover Iraq

Experts: Obama Allowed Iran to Takeover Iraq

BAGHDAD - Iraq -A resolution passed by a special session of parliament said the Shiite Iranian controlled government should cancel…

5 years ago
Jeremy Corbyn to Visit America to Teach Them About Good Quality FoodJeremy Corbyn to Visit America to Teach Them About Good Quality Food

Jeremy Corbyn to Visit America to Teach Them About Good Quality Food

LONDON - England - Jeremy Corbyn is to make a trip to America before the election to show Brits that…

5 years ago
PC Activists Want to Ban the Word “Night” For RacismPC Activists Want to Ban the Word “Night” For Racism

PC Activists Want to Ban the Word “Night” For Racism

SAN FRANCISCO - USA - Student activists at Berkeley college, are demanding the word 'night' be removed from common usage…

5 years ago
SYRIA: Americans Showered With Gifts From Grateful KurdsSYRIA: Americans Showered With Gifts From Grateful Kurds

SYRIA: Americans Showered With Gifts From Grateful Kurds

QAMISHLI - Syria - American soldiers returning home for some well earned R&R were showered with gifts from grateful Kurds.

5 years ago
Teflon Don Cites Civil War if ImpeachedTeflon Don Cites Civil War if Impeached

Teflon Don Cites Civil War if Impeached

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - The Teflon Don, Donald J. Trump, has warned of civil war if the Democrat party…

5 years ago
IRAN: “Weak Trump Sits Around Tweeting While Iran Laughs”IRAN: “Weak Trump Sits Around Tweeting While Iran Laughs”

IRAN: “Weak Trump Sits Around Tweeting While Iran Laughs”

TEHRAN - Iran - The Iranian regime is mocking the U.S. President and America's inaction after the bombing of the…

5 years ago
Mass Shooting is Part of Being an AmericanMass Shooting is Part of Being an American

Mass Shooting is Part of Being an American

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - Mass shooting is part of American culture and being American.

5 years ago
Why the American Weekend Shooting Spree Hobby Could Turn to Civil WarWhy the American Weekend Shooting Spree Hobby Could Turn to Civil War

Why the American Weekend Shooting Spree Hobby Could Turn to Civil War

EL PASO - USA - America is now more polarised than ever before, and the frequent mass shootings are a…

6 years ago