
Godfrey Bloom to Retire to Bongo Bongo LandGodfrey Bloom to Retire to Bongo Bongo Land

Godfrey Bloom to Retire to Bongo Bongo Land

BONGO BONGO - Land - Controversial former Yorkshire MEP Godfrey Bloom has quit the UKIP party and also the UK…

11 years ago
Revealed: Godfrey Bloom Secret Tory Plant into UKIPRevealed: Godfrey Bloom Secret Tory Plant into UKIP

Revealed: Godfrey Bloom Secret Tory Plant into UKIP

LONDON - England - After ruining the UKIP conference with some slut talk, Godfrey Bloom, a comedic genius, was seen…

11 years ago
Death By Bongo BongoDeath By Bongo Bongo

Death By Bongo Bongo

BONGO BONGO - Yorkshire - Sadly we have some bad news for UKIP voters today as one of their Member's…

12 years ago
Cammo Running Scared Back to MerkelCammo Running Scared Back to Merkel

Cammo Running Scared Back to Merkel

LONDON - England - Number10 Downing Street was strangely quiet yesterday evening as the prime minister slunk back to his…

12 years ago
UKIP Leader in Danger of Ending Up in Belgian DungeonUKIP Leader in Danger of Ending Up in Belgian Dungeon

UKIP Leader in Danger of Ending Up in Belgian Dungeon

BRUSSELS - Belgium - Britain's UK Independence Party MEP, Nigel Farage was today in hiding after an outburst he made…

15 years ago