
The French Surrender Easily But Will the British?

PARIS - France - Anyone who walks through the beautiful leafy boulevards of Paris will realise one thing -- they…

13 years ago

Sarko Tells Cammo to Back Off

BRUSSELS - Belgium - In a remarkable war of words that had EU technocrats bracing for trouble, French prime minister,…

13 years ago

Libya to Have Democracy Like Britain – No Referendums

TRIPOLI - Libya - British PM, David Cameron, has flown in to the Libyan capital city to inspect the oil…

13 years ago

Traitor Cameron Attends Palace Charged With High Treason

LONDON - England - The PM has been summoned in shackles to Buckingham palace today and may be charged with…

13 years ago

Osborne to Stimulate Economy With More Heavy Taxation

LONDON - England - George Osborne's amazing plan to stimulate the economy by increasing taxation to even higher levels has…

13 years ago

Quango Bosses Buy Tropical Island

TIKABILA - Polynesia - Non-Governmental Organisation Quango bosses have bought themselves a tropical island 2000 km West of Tuvalu, Whitehall…

14 years ago

Osborne Choking Life Out of Britain's Neck

LONDON - England - Chancellor George Osborne sees Britain as one big neck that he is choking to death with…

14 years ago

Cameron’s Regime on Brink of Collapse as Explosions and Rebel Gunfire Echo Around London

LONDON - England - Police forces loyal to British leader David Cameron appeared to be at the point of collapse…

14 years ago

Rioters Awarded ASBOs and Praised For Excellent Rioting Skills

LONDON - England - The capital's rioters were all awarded ASBO trophies and had their benefits increased yesterday by makeshift…

14 years ago

Labour's Children Are Revolting

LONDON - England - As the smouldering wreck of the capital city is unveiled by the morning sun, the carnage…

14 years ago

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